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Hello I'm Lunar Fayeaville, but I go by Luna. I've recently found myself in a new world. A world different from my own. A world where the impossible is possible and fiction is considered real here.

A world where humans are not the only intelligent species. I've been transported to a world where magic is real and the technology is more advanced. But before I ended up here I was at work and...

Oh right I was killed while on the job as a cashier at a supermarket. Well that explains how I got to where I was now, but anyways I woke up in a black void. When suddenly a tablet appeared saying that I was being reincarnated with questions on it.

I can't remember what the questions were, but I do remember that after I was done. The tablet vanished and I waited for I don't know how long. Before a digital screen appeared in front of my face. Saying,

‘Welcome Gamer, to Alamainia. I am Sil. Your personal system AI, I'm now going to upload everything you'll need to know about both your new life in Alamainia and the info and history of Alamainia. Just a heads up, the uploading process isn't a pleasant feeling, in fact it'll be extremely painful, so I apologize in advance.’

But before I could respond. I fell to ground as I clutched my head in pain. I screamed until I blacked out. When I awoke, I found myself in a large bedroom.

"Sil?" I asked, suddenly a magenta colored digital screen appeared.

Yes, Mistress?

I immediately shivered in displeasure at being called that.

"Time out." I said, and time paused.

Is everything alright Mistress?

I shivered in disgust and unpleasantness at what Sil called me.

"I ordered you to just refer to me as Luna or Princess. Cuz I'm very uncomfortable with something that is essentially a part of me referring to me as Mistress, okay?" I said, not liking the feeling of being called mistress.

Oh... My apologies, since you've ordered it. Then I shall follow your order, and I apologize for making you uncomfortable by calling you Mistress. So I will call you Luna and I'll refer to you to others as Princess Luna. Is this okay, Luna?

"Yes, that's fine. Anyways, that warning you gave me about the pain of the info upload about my new life as the Princess of the Fayeaville Kingdom in Alamainia and the information of all of Alamainia was severely under-rated. Next time you do something like that painful upload. I want you to rate it on a scale from 1 to 10 on how bearable I can handle the pain. 5 is the same level of pain as the information of my life as the princess of the Faye Kingdom in Alamainia and the information about Alamainia and my Kingdom. Higher than 10 means it'll feel more painful than the memory of the pain of the upload. Also this refers to all forms of pain. Be it mental or physical, please rate it on a scale of 1 to 10." I said, the digital screen flicker for a moment.

Alright creation of Physical Pain Meter (PPM) and Mental Pain Meter (MPM) with scales of 1 to 10. I also went out of my way to make a quest for you with rewards of some skills I feel will be helpful in the future.

"Thank you, Sil." I said, with a smile.

Also you don't have to talk out loud to talk to me. I can hear you just fine through your thoughts.

"Oh..." I said mentally, feeling a bit dumb.



Get up and get ready for the day.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15 ⏰

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