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The alarm screeched throughout the house. Jolting a pale, sleeping man awake from his slumber. The man groaned in agony, it's Monday. He starts a new job today. He looked at the alarm before slamming his fist down on it, causing a small crack to form on it, however, it did stop its insufferable screaming. He stood up from his messy bed, now standing in an even messier room. His long black locks, tangled into a knotty mess, and his dark eyes having serious baggage. His twig-like figure shivered in the cold room. He walked over to the bathroom, getting himself ready for the day, combing a brush through his hair, turning it terribly messy to almost presentable before bringing it back into a ponytail. He picked up his very used toothbrush, he desperately needed a new one but couldn't find the time to get it. He spent a couple minutes brushing his teeth before leaving the bathroom, going to his closet. It was fairly empty minus the 3 shirts and a couple pants. Two black shirts, white shirt. The white shirt went to his uniform, which he put on in a hurry, realizing he was already nearly a half hour late to his new job. A job he couldn't afford to already lose. His friend, Oliver, helped him to getting this job. He was often envious of Oliver. He always looked so well put together, and was never late to anything. He finished putting his clean, completely white suit on. A button up with a coat tail trailing behind him, and some tight pants. He began searching through his nightstand drawers frantically.
"Damn it!"
The man growled in frustration, he was unable to find his name tag. This was going to make him another 10 minutes late. He found it and swiped it up, quickly snapping the tag into place.
'Doctor. Moros.'

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