'✧Under his protection'✧

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As the party raged on, Jungkook, the diligent bodyguard, couldn't help but notice Y/N's radiant smile as she chatted with a handsome stranger. His jaw tensed, and he discreetly clenched his fists, feeling an unfamiliar pang of jealousy creeping in. "She's just being friendly," he reminded himself, but it didn't ease the knot in his stomach. Trying to distract himself, he shifted his focus to scanning the room for any potential threats, but his thoughts kept drifting back to Y/N and the other guy.

Later, as they left the party, Y/N settled into the backseat of the car, her eyes catching the faint traces of blood on Jungkook's palm. "Jungkook, you're bleeding!" she exclaimed, concern etched on her face. Jungkook quickly glanced down, his heart racing as he realized his slip-up. "It's nothing, just a small cut," he replied, trying to brush it off. But Y/N wasn't convinced, reaching for the first aid kit stowed in the car.

As Y/N gently tended to his wound, Jungkook struggled to keep his composure. Her touch sent a jolt of electricity through him, making it even harder to maintain his facade. "How did this happen?" she asked softly, her eyes searching his. Jungkook hesitated, his mind racing for a plausible explanation. "I must have nicked myself earlier, didn't even notice," he lied, avoiding her gaze.

Y/N nodded, accepting his explanation with a smile, but Jungkook couldn't shake the guilt gnawing at him. He knew he couldn't confess the real reason behind his injury, not when duty bound him to maintain a professional distance. As they continued their journey, Jungkook silently vowed to keep his feelings in check, even as his heart longed for more.

As Jungkook sat in the backseat, trying to conceal his jealousy, Y/N's concerned voice pierced through his thoughts. His heart skipped a beat at her tender touch, her fingers delicately tending to his wound. Despite the pain, a warm sensation spread through him, fueled by her care.

As Y/N focused on wrapping his hand, Jungkook couldn't help but steal glances at her. Caught up in the moment, their eyes met, and a shy smile graced his lips, momentarily forgetting his worries. Y/N returned the smile, her eyes sparkling with affection, and for a fleeting moment, all the tension melted away.

In that quiet exchange, amidst the flickering lights of passing cars, Jungkook felt a sense of peace wash over him. Despite the chaos of the night, there was solace in the simple act of sharing a fleeting, intimate moment with Y/N. And as the car continued its journey, Jungkook silently vowed to cherish these stolen moments, no matter how brief they may be.

As Y/N finishes wrapping Jungkook's hand, she notices a subtle shift in his demeanor, a fleeting expression of jealousy crossing his features. Sensing his inner turmoil, she makes a mental note to address it later.


Later that night, Y/N spills the details of their encounter to her best friend Liz, recounting how she subtly orchestrated the situation to evoke Jungkook's jealousy. With a mischievous grin, Y/N describes how her plan unfolded flawlessly, causing Jungkook to react exactly as she had hoped.

Liz listens intently, amused by Y/N's cunning tactics, and together they revel in the success of their little scheme. Y/N couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction knowing that she had sparked a hint of possessiveness in Jungkook, a sign of his growing feelings for her.

As the morning sun gently filters through the curtains, Y/N stirs from her slumber, greeted by the realization that it's finally the weekend. With a contented sigh, she stretches luxuriously, relishing in the freedom of a day without college obligations.

Rolling out of bed with a smile, Y/N eagerly plans her day of leisure. Today, she's decided to treat herself to a day of shopping and fun. After a quick breakfast, she throws on her favorite outfit, ready to hit the day.

The Bodyguard's Dilemma: Caught Between Loyalty And LoveWhere stories live. Discover now