Entrance Exam

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(Izuku & 2B POV)

Both of them just stand there admiring the view of U.A

Izuku: I can't believe we made it here!

2B: Yeah. But either way, I see life in a new light now. So they will play by our rules

Izuku: True.

2B: Are you nervous?

Izuku: No!

2B: Why?

Izuku: Cause we're the strongest. *Smirking*

2B: *Smirk's* Yeah your right!

"As they were walking towards U.A, A girl ended up tripping & Before she hit the ground. Izuku caught her"

Izuku: Are you alright?

Girl: Yes, I'm fine. thank you.

Izuku: *Stands up* Your welcome.

2B: Are you taking the exam as well?

Girl: Yes.

2B: Well then let's give it our best. *smiles*

Girl: Yeah.

"As they were about to talk again. Both Izuku & 2B's tormentor's ended up passing them by hitting there shoulder's"

Katsuki: Move, you Extras

/All of them walk towards U.A... Izuku & 2B would be lying if they said that seeing them didn't make them angry. But remembering their teacher's & friends helped them calm down\

2B: *Takes a deep breath and starts walking again*

Izuku: We'll see you again. *waving to the girl & runs to catch up to 2B*

2B: Let's do this Izuku

Izuku: Yeah.

[In the auditorium]

In the Auditorium they had to do 2 test's one of them was a Written test & Although it surprised everyone else because of how difficult it was. Izuku & 2B ended up completing it in Record time. 2 minutes. So when they turned it in, the teacher (Present Mic) didn't believe them. Until he checked it & noticed that all the answered were right. Down to the T

Mic: Alright you 2 Sit down until everyone else is done.

Izuku & 2B: Okay. *goes to sit down*

Katsuki: *watching them* Tch.

Izumi: (Why does that boy look familiar?)

Momo: *thinking the same thing as Izumi. except it was for 2B*

Minato: (A looker huh, She'll be mine eventually)

Izuku: Hey Flower?

2B: Yes love?

Izuku: *whispering* You realize they will call Uncle Nezu because of us?

2B: Yeah I know. We finished to fast.

Izuku: *Resting his head on his hand* Oh well. Nothing we can do, just wait until then!

2B: Yeah, yeah. *lay's head down*

/As they started to chill, everyone started to think they were lazy weak. But it was the opposite. Everyone had seen them turn in their test's really early, as for the other thing to everyone else. It would seem like they were weak, but if you actually knew them.

Then you would know that if they wanted to, they could have easily taken over this world if they wanted to\

Mic: *Call's Nezu*

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