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Media (photo above this message) made by MiiToons in his "Sonic Villains" project, go check it out!

This story, as shown in the description, is a hypothetical if Sonic Frontiers took place before Sonic Forces happened, focusing more on the Forces storyline!

Everything mentioned about Sonic Forces in Sonic Frontiers will be completely scrapped, but everything else will stay the same
However, how this changes the story, you may ask? Well, it'll include more development of characters, new IDW characters, and Team Sonic (+ Amy, who's basically been accepted as a part of Team Sonic) will have their Frontiers movesets, along with other stuff in there movesets!
HOWEVER. I've ONLY read up to book 32 in the IDW comics. So unfortunately, no Surge or Kit due to me having a lack of knowledge about them.

This is a mostly dialogue based story, and the action sequences may not be as thrilling if they were in comics or actually animated
Also, keep in mind that I'M A MINOR. The writing won't be IDW or Archie level, I do not have a degree in anything yet, let alone do I have a degree in writing.

Dialogue will be labeled with initials or their first two/three letters if there is somebody already with those initials
For example:
S: Woah, hey, way past cool!!
MS: I'm the real Sonic, Sonic PERFECTED.
Sh: I'll show you the true power of CHAOS CONTROL!
Actions will be put in bold, thoughts will be put in italics, zone titles will be put as middle text, editor notes will be put in square brackets, and scene-setters will be put in parentheses
For example:
Sonic spindashed into Metal Sonic

S: Awe man, I gotta stop Metal from doing the evil thing!
[Hi guys!!! I'm Jayd!!!!]
(Sonic and Metal are fighting)

Pretty sure with that done, you're all cought up! Read safe, have fun, and don't forget; you gotta go fast!

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