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[Media taken from Sonic Showdown, a Sonic based Roblox game, also check it out!]
Emerald Coast Zone

[Media taken from Sonic Showdown, a Sonic based Roblox game, also check it out!]Emerald Coast Zone

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(Sonic the Hedgehog is found relaxing at the beach, sunbathing and watching the orcas)

Sonic (S): Ahh, sometimes it's nice to take a break next to the sea every now and then...
S: Everybody is back doing their own thing, Tails just got back from his big adventure, so did Amy, and Knuckles is back on Angel Island protecting the master emerald...
S: I wonder how Egghead and Sage are doing.... Sage, nice gal despite being an Eggman.... android? Robot? Not sure. And Eggman hasn't done a big attack in a while, mostly just small inconveniences that I've been able to take down easily...

S: Everybody else have been living fine, too fine maybe... Eh, no time for worrying, I should probably catch up with Tails! He came back last night, and I haven't seen him yet!
Sonic charged up his super peel-out, and rushed out to Emerald Town

Emerald Town

Sonic skrts right in front of Tails' home/lab, and walks inS: Hey bro!Tails (T): OH! Tails was clearly startled, previously having full focus on his project he was working on

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Sonic skrts right in front of Tails' home/lab, and walks in
S: Hey bro!
Tails (T): OH!
Tails was clearly startled, previously having full focus on his project he was working on

T: Sonic! It's nice to see you!! It's been a while, how have you been?
S: Oh yknow, same as always; running around, bashin bots, but this isn't about me, how was your adventure?
T: Gee, well-!
Tails was rudely interrupted by a call on the big screen!
Tails answered the call, to see Amy quite distressed
Amy (A): TAILS! Oh, hey! Sonic too! We need help here in Sunset Heights, can you come over?
S: You got it Amy! Tails, you coming with?
T: Yeah! We'll be there before you know it Amy!
A: We're counting on you two, get here quick!
Amy hung up the call
S: Well then, we oughta get moving!
T: Agreed!
The dream duo left the lab, and dashed towards Sunset Heights, crossing Green Hill Zone along the way! What could possibly be awaiting there? Who am I kidding, you already know!

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