Flames of hell & etc. 😉

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Ayaka pov

Fuyumi I can't believe you got me to go to this I said standing outside of 1A's alliance, looking at Fuyumi who is smiling sweetly. C'mon we gotta know all our students like the back of our hands she replies. But I remember all their names I counter. That's not how it works she says sarcastically before opening the door and greeting everyone. Ok so you guys picked something out alr? I ask them clearly they look frazzled. Well no we wanted to hear your ideas, we left our cafe, saloon and spa, play and band Tenya answered. Come on we've already done the band why can't we do the saloon and spa? Mina whined. Firstly, only you girls can do it and once many customers enter then you're in trouble the guys can't do hair Tenya answered. We can teach you guys this came from Hagakure. Ohhhh yesssss I would loveeee to be taught by you guysss~ Mineta said in an attempt to sound hot and flirty. Mineta, no I said. Why not? It's not like you're teaching me, I'm learning from my classmates he protests. No means no I said this time annoyed. It's alright if the girls and Ayaka won't teach you I wouldn't mind Fuyumi answers sweetly filled with innocence. NO! I yelled out. Oh c'mon~ he says in a whiny tone which disgusts me. Look hear you piece of crap, when I said no, I mean it so stop protesting I say glaring at him with Shoto which makes him stops. Ayaka! Eri said before running to give me a hug with Kaminari following from behind. Is my hair nice? Eri asked excitedly. Yea who did it for ya? I said sitting her on my lap. Denki! she cheered. Wanna retrack that? Mina asks smugly. My phone started ringing. I took it out, to my surprise it was Endeavour. No, not something about today. Ms Ayaka, you should answer that Kirishima suggests. I reluctantly answered the call making sure to leave it apart from my ear but not too far. WHAT WERE YOU THINKING OF HUMILIATING ME?! WHEN I SAY SOMETHING FOR MY KIDS YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP! NOW THEY TAKE ME AS A FOOL! the enraged Endeavour yelled out. Clearly he was loud, loud enough for my whole class to hear, from the corner of my eyes, I see Fuyumi visibly shaken at hearing his voice. I wasn't wrong I muttered out. I'm coming to you, and you'll get it this time he warned before bursting the alliance door open. DAD NO! Fuyumi yelled out but she was a bit too late for that as he charged towards me, giving me a slap across the cheek. WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?! he spat out. Would you mind not doing anything you'd regret later on? Meaning get the hell out and not start a fight I stated. You son of a bitch he yelled pinning me to the ground, his hand place of my wrists, the other hand on my cheek. I told you to never ever involve yourself in my activities, I forgave you the first time but there's no second chances he said enabling his quirk, burning my wrists. I winced out of the burns I was getting, tears forming in my eyes but I refused to show my vulnerability. 

Fuyumi pov

I took my phone out and immediately dialed my emergency contacts praying someone will come here asap. I wish I could do something but Ayaka wouldn't be happy about it. I see Shoto and Sero ready to use their quirks, I ran up to them and held Shoto's hand, nodding my head. He was confused but obeyed and signalled for Sero to stop. AHHH! This came from Ayaka who was now being burned with blue flames, Shoto sprung into action with his ice quirk, freezing dad for as long as possible as Sero carried Ayaka away from here. Just then the doors burst open, as Michio and Hajime ran inside. SHOTO! dad yelled out at him. I'll call Kei in Michio informs dialing his number in as Hajime checks on Ayaka. Guys go to your rooms excluding Todoroki and someone who has done first aid, now I say with urgency which they abided with reluctance. 

Michio pov

Fuyumi, you sure you wanna be here? I ask her, knowing damn well she doesn't want to. I'll stay she said softly with anxiousness in her voice. I ran over to Shoto, who was still freezing his dad to the ground. Shoto, unfreeze your dad, show some respect! I yelled out at him. SHOTO LISTEN T THIS MAN! he orders him, which urges me to roll my eyes but didn't as it'd ruin everything I was planning. What?! Are you insane sir? He's gonna kill our teacher and you want me to release him?? he asked in shock and anger. He will melt the ice the minute you're tired so there is no use I stated, pointing out the exhaustion on his face. NO! I WILL NOT! Shoto shouted. Just then Keigo came flying in from one of the open windows with a few of the pros. Endeavour took the chance when Shoto was distracted and freed himself from his grasp, now he was placing an arm around... my neck! My body instantly froze, then it hit me, of course he didn't attack Shoto, because I called Kei and the pros, he's suspicious of me! I should've hid it better. I wonder what would happen if I were to kill your accomplice right here, right now? Endeavour asks them, resting his chin on my shoulder. Endeavour he is no one's accomplice, we don't even know who he is plus, you're abusing your hero rights power Eraser says with a tinge of worry in his voice, he masked it well enough for Endeavour not to notice. Ayaka's as good as dead, should've taught her some manners when you'd the chance Endeavour says tauntingly. Nahh  she's with Hajime, she'll be alright I said in a mocking tone directed to flame head. Hajime is? Mic asks me. Don't play dumb, they are your accomplices Endeavour raises his voice, growing more impatient. Actually they don't, Fuyumi dialed her emergency contacts, secondly, never touch me again I say pulling his hand away from my throat. The audacity you have he says flabbergasted. Can someone knock him out, he's kinda irritating I ask, mostly to Keigo. YOU SON OF A- Midnight uses her powers to knock him out, Keigo clasped his hand on my mouth making sure I wouldn't inhale the gas. Where's Ayaka? Eraser asks me. With Hajime, she'll be fine I say, as a sense of relieve washes over Mic's face. Ok who the hell is Hajime and you? Just seconds ago you were on my dad's side and why is Fuyumi's emergency contacts you? this came from a concerned Shoto, who was all prepared to attack me. Well uhh I know her from college? an obvious lie that wasn't convincing anyone. Are you guys dating? he asks eyeing me suspiciously. No, no I'm with someone else happily in love with him I say smiling at the thought of Hajime. 

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