Someone's Blushing.....

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Chapter 6-
(I skipped a few days, not wanting to bore you people 😊)
I woke up feeling groggy and rubbed my eyes, but heard a sound of....moan?

I turned around in my bed, just to find what no child ever should see, my parents were snogging each other's faces off, much to my disgust....

Eeeeeew.. I mean who would want to see their parents locking and...moaning in front of them?!!!!!!!!

"Mom! Dad! I'm alive and right beside you, you know!!" I yell, causing my parents to quickly push each other away feeling embarrassed.

That's right! You should be!

My dad's cheeks reddened and my mum's innocent gaze was on the ground.

I felt as if I'm scolding two five year olds for stealing a cookie.

Urgh! Parents these days.........

"Why were you locking each other in MY ROOM?!!!" I yell again.

"Well, dear we came to wake you up but you looked so innocent when you were sleeping so I thought against it but your mom here wanted to wake you up so badly and started speeking so loudly and......well you know what happened and you should thank me for saving you."

And there's my dad putting all blame on my mom.

"That's not true at all mister!! I did not talk loudly to wake her up. It was you who couldn't stop speaking!!!!!"

And my mum and dad started again.

Gosh! I think I'm the only sane one here!.

I freshen up and wear a black top with a wide legged pant, navy in color. Yeah I like wearing loose clothes instead of fitting ones. They allow freedom of movement, since I'm the only hyperactive one in the house.

I put on a bun and make sure to put the bandage around my neck and then I head downstairs for some breakfast.

I find my parents sitting on the couch chatting like two love birds.

Sincerely speaking, they looked so cute together, like they were made for each other.
One could clearly see the love in their eyes and how they're ready to do anything for each other.

"Daaaad? What should I eat? M starving...tell something fasssst or me die of hunger!!!!"

Chuckling, my dad replies,"Go drink some milk with fruit loops cereals, I'm sure you'll love it. and you won't get rid of us that easy.", he says with that cheeky smirk of his.

"Fruit loops cereal?" I asked, utterly confused.

"Dearie there is a yellow box in the upper right corner cabinet of the kitchen. Open it and then put its contents in milk and eat up." My mum answered.


After eating, I started getting ready for uni.
"Marsa dear, remember I told you about the communication device called phone?." My dad said while coming in my room.

I nodded, remembering. "Well, here, take this."

He handed me a thin piece of heavy metal, with a shiny white cover at back with the words'I love sleep'.

"What do I do with this?" I asked. "Well, most people here use it so no one would have any suspicion on you. Switch it on and here's the guide to operate it." He handed me a small booklet and a small chip. "And this put this chip inside the phone. Check the guide for any confusion, alright?"

"Ok, thanks da-"
"Baby, whenever we keep a link with you, then just act like your talking to someone on the phone. 'Cuz otherwise people will think you're talking to yourself." My mum said,cutting me off.

But.... We're Not Humans... (#wattys2015)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora