(G.W) !The Unbreakable Bond!(G.W)

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A/N: This is more of a timeline sorta thing???? IDK how to say it but ya.

In the bustling halls of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, George Weasley always stood out. His wild red hair and mischievous grin made him recognizable from a mile away. He was one half of the infamous Weasley twins, known for their pranks and practical jokes that kept the entire student body entertained.

You, on the other hand, were a quiet and studious student who preferred the company of books to that of rowdy teenagers. It was an unlikely pairing, but somehow fate had brought you and George together in a Defense Against the Dark Arts class. At first, you were wary of his antics and his constant attempts to get a rise out of you. But as the days turned into weeks and the weeks turned into months, you found yourself developing a begrudging admiration for his wit and charm.

One day, during a particularly boring History of Magic class, George passed you a note under the table. You opened it to find a crude drawing of Professor Binns snoring away at his desk, with the words "Wish we could cast a Silencing Charm on him!" scrawled underneath. You couldn't help but stifle a giggle, and from that moment on, a friendship was born.

As the years went by, you and George became inseparable. You spent hours in the library studying for exams, laughing over butterbeers in Hogsmeade, and pulling pranks on unsuspecting students. George's mischievous nature rubbed off on you, and soon you were just as notorious as he was.

But amidst all the laughter and fun, there was something deeper growing between you and George. It was a connection that went beyond friendship, something neither of you could put into words. And then, one magical evening under the twinkling stars of the Hogwarts grounds, George found the courage to confess his feelings for you.
You were taken aback at first, not expecting such a revelation from your dear friend. But as you looked into his warm brown eyes, you realized that your feelings mirrored his own. And so, with the soft glow of Lumos spells surrounding you, you leaned in and kissed George Weasley, sealing a bond that was unbreakable.

From that moment on, you and George navigated the ups and downs of life together, facing challenges and triumphs hand in hand. Your love only grew stronger with each passing day, a testament to the power of friendship, laughter, and a touch of mischief. And as you stood side by side, facing the world with hearts full of courage and love, you knew that with George Weasley by your side, anything was possible.

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