(R.W) !Snowflakes of Love! (R.W)

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~381 words/2213 characters

Ron Weasley had always been the lovable but slightly clueless member of the trio at Hogwarts. While Harry and Hermione took the spotlight, Ron was content to be the loyal friend in the background. That is until the day you, a transfer student from Beauxbatons Academy of Magic, entered his life.

You were different from the other girls at Hogwarts. You were confident, intelligent, and unafraid to speak your mind. Ron was instantly drawn to you, but his nerves got the best of him every time he tried to strike up a conversation. It didn't help that Fred and George were constantly teasing him about his red-faced attempts at talking to you.

Despite his fumbles, you found Ron's awkward charm endearing. You enjoyed his company and soon found yourself seeking him out in the Gryffindor common room or joining him in the library to study for exams. The more time you spent together, the more you both realized there was a connection between you that was undeniable.

One winter evening, as snow fell softly outside, Ron finally gathered the courage to ask you to the Yule Ball. You smiled, accepting his invitation without hesitation. The night of the ball, you and Ron danced together under the enchanted ceiling of the Great Hall, the twinkling stars above mirroring the sparks between you.

As the music slowed, Ron took your hand and led you outside, where a blanket of snow covered the grounds. He confessed his feelings for you, stumbling over his words as he poured his heart out. You listened, your heart swelling with emotion, before reaching up to brush away a snowflake that had settled on his cheek.

From that moment on, you and Ron were inseparable. You studied together, laughed together, and faced danger together, standing by each other's side through thick and thin. In the end, it wasn't grand gestures or heroic feats that brought you closer; it was the simple moments, the shared glances, and the unspoken understanding between two souls who had found their match in each other.

And as you stood together on the platform at King's Cross Station, ready to board the Hogwarts Express once more, Ron took your hand in his and whispered those three words that sealed your fate forever: "I love you."

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