Night Market and Blood Pit

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"No referee, no rules, no spells! Whoever stands at the end, wins!"
motto of the Blood Pit

First Lady Day of Retributus, 126 HR

Once it was clear that they would go to the Blood Pit via the Night Market to investigate the murders further, Kiyoshi nodded curtly. "Good. If that is where you want to go, honorable companions, then that is where we will go."

Jana thoughtfully eyed the young Harmonium soldier, who was all too inexperienced in Sigil. "I'm not sure that's a good idea anymore."

Sgillin raised his shoulders in his carefree manner, but loosened his bow as a precaution. Lereia stood beside him, a little unsure. "I have absolutely no idea what's coming," she sighed.

Naghûl was all too aware that this was not going to be an exciting but ultimately harmless walk. But he saw no point in worrying his companions and friends any more than they already were. "Just relax," he said in a good-humored tone. "I'm sure this will be an interesting experience."

"I've had more than enough of those already ..." Lereia replied resignedly. "But if it helps the investigation, of course I'll come with you."

Sgillin, on the other hand, raised his hands. "I am relaxed."

"We can't start a fight there," Jana warned, less relaxed. "There are not just simple thugs hanging out there, but ... well, I'd like to keep my head."

Naghûl sensed that it was time to get the group to move on before any more concerns arose that could potentially jeopardize the mission. "So, let's go," he therefore urged the others.

"Yes, let's go," Sgillin agreed, probably also getting tired of the back and forth.

So they set off, leaving the impressive entrance to the Gatehouse behind them and making their way back through the Hive. Here, too, the streets were barely paved and full of garbage and muddy puddles, which they deliberately avoided. There were numerous beggars, urchins, prostitutes, bubbers and armed lowlifes on every corner - the normal sight in the Hive. However, if one wasn't used to it, it could easily affect one's mood. Naghûl at least noticed this in Lereia, who moved bravely through the alleyways but seemed visibly uncomfortable. As usual, Kiyoshi kept a straight face, but in his new capacity as Sigil's guardian of order, he certainly didn't like some of the things he saw either.

After they had walked side by side in silence for a while, Jana turned to the young man from Kamigawa. "Can I ask you something, Kiyoshi? I ... we can assume that gladiator fights will take place in the Blood Pit ... some to the death. And that people are betting on it."

Sgillin turned a worried face to the Harmonium soldier, who immediately tightened. "That's against the law," he announced firmly.

Naghûl took a deep breath. That was when the trouble began ... "Well, not necessarily," he appeased. "Betting is not forbidden per se. And when it comes to fights, it depends ..."

Kiyoshi immediately nodded knowingly. "Unless these fights take place on the property of a private individual who has a K5 license. Which, of course, would have to be checked by me right off."

He had familiarized himself very well with the laws of Sigil already, Naghûl had to admit. If only he understood the general climate of the Cage as well ... "Whatever it's called, but yes." The tiefling nodded. "Can't you just assume that this license exists?"

Kiyoshi was about to reply, but Jana stopped and crossed her arms vigorously. "How is that supposed to work, Naghûl? It can never work."

She nodded towards Kiyoshi and the Sensate sighed inwardly. Unfortunately, she was right, it wouldn't work. But he could hardly say that to the young soldier's face. "It will be fine," he replied instead, looking imploringly at Jana. "Let's go."

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