Prologue: Aurora

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"We're breaking up"

Tears stream down my face as I look at my now ex-boyfriends. The three of them stand in front of me for who knows how much longer as I sit there and cry. "Is this for real? Please tell me you guys are joking?" I begged, hoping this was all some sort of cruel joke, but this wasn't a joke, they wouldn't joke about something like this. "We're so sorry baby" Xavier apologized, looking down at me, only causing me to cry harder "Why? Why now?" I sobbed, knowing that no matter how hard I cried they wouldn't change their minds, not when Zion and Ezra couldn't even look at me "We don't have a choice, you know that." Anger surged in my veins at their reasoning. Didn't have a choice? I knew their families were stuck up, but I didn't think they'd go this far "Don't tell me you don't have a choice, this is for the money isn't it?" I growled.

I had given them two years of my life and this is how they repay me. I offered to get them out of those houses, I'm not hurting for the money, we could've been something. But here they are, breaking it off with me.

"It won't be forever, Sweetheart" Zion tried to calm me, taking a step my way, but as I flinched at his touch that once used to be so comforting, he backed away with a look equally as heartbreaking "So what? Am I supposed to just wait around for you to want me again? Is that it?" I asked as Ezra finally looked at me "We do want you Love, you have to believe that. If you believe nothing else, believe that" he begged as I shook my head "How am I supposed to believe that when you guys are sitting here and tearing my heart out?" I asked, removing the rings they had gifted me only a year ago, back when things were simpler "Don't let it end like this" Zion pleaded, knowing what I was about to do "Why not? It was ending anyways right?" I shrug, ignoring the tears that ran down my face as I placed a ring in each of their hands before stepping back, trying to put as much distance as possible between us. I hated how the distance felt larger than it actually was when just yesterday we were so in love it felt like nothing could ever take that away. Little did I know their families were only a day away from taking them away from me.

"This isn't the end Aurora, we'll be back just wait for us please," Xavier asked as I shook my head "I can't promise anything, not right now" I wasn't going to wait around for them, I had a life and I'll be damned if I spend it waiting around for people who don't want me. He seemed to understand as they all filed out of my room, closing the door behind them as I threw myself onto the bed I had shared with them only yesterday, their scents still clinging to the sheets as I finally let myself cry, as I sobbed and sobbed until I heard the front door finally slam shut.

I cried and sobbed until I was gasping for breath, the room feeling smaller and smaller without their larger-than-life presence in my life. And while they'd only been gone a few minutes I couldn't help but hope that I never saw them again, for if I did I knew my heart wouldn't survive it.

And neither would I.

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