Chapter 1: Aurora

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Four years later

"Everything looks great, I'll be sure to give you a call later to set up the schedule," the interviewer smiled as we shook hands, my new job finally secured after months of searching. "Thank you, I really appreciate it" I grinned, finally feeling good about something that wasn't my child, who was waiting for me at home with my neighbor Ms. Jenny. Luckily the older woman was available to watch Blair since it was hard finding help without any cash. As I turned to walk out I bumped into a much harder body and almost fell on my ass, "Aurora? Sweetheart is that you?" A strange, yet familiar voice asked, catching me by the waist as I pulled away quickly "Zion, you look well" I greeted coldly, trying to maintain professionalism "I wish I could say the same for you Rory" I should punch him in the dick, but the thought of being anywhere near his dick again struck a nerve I didn't realize I still had. "I have to go" I excused myself, quickly walking around him as he stood there, dumbfounded. I didn't turn around, not even when he called for me as I rushed back to my car. 

I wasn't even sure I should be driving as my hands shook, still affected by Zion even after all these years, but I made it home regardless, finally calm as I knocked on Ms. Jenny's door so I could pick up Blair with nothing on my mind but the three men who had abandoned us, not knowing I had tried to call them the moment I had found out about Blair. I still wasn't sure who her biological father was, but I knew that, had things gone differently, it wouldn't have mattered. "Mommy!" a voice yelled before a small body ran at me from inside of Ms.Jenny's apartment "Hey Blair-bear, did you have fun with Ms.Jenny?" I asked, a smile overtaking my worry as I lifted her small body off the ground and into a hug as she nodded into my neck "That's great, are you ready to go home?" I questioned, poking her in the side as she nodded again with a giggle knowing home was right behind us as I set her down and handed her the keys as she tried to unlock the door herself for a few minutes before it finally opened with a click.

"I did it!" she cheered as I pretended to cheer with her "Good job Blair" I said, ruffling her hair as I set my things on the counter of our apartment. I wasn't going to let my interaction with Zion overshadow my joy of finally securing a new job. "What should we have for dinner Blair?" I asked, but to no avail as she continued to ignore me in favor of the cartoons playing on the television. "Leftovers it is" I sighed to myself as I pulled the leftover noodles out of the fridge. Before I could even reach the microwave a knock sounded on my door, starting the microwave I went to answer the door "We need to talk" Zion said before I could get a word in "How do you know where I live?" I asked, stepping out into the hallway partially to keep this conversation away from young ears, but also to keep Blair away from the man that could potentially be her father.

 "It was in your application" he shrugged as I gaped at him, time had certainly done him some good as he stood in front of me looking like he belonged in a magazine and not in front of my cheap little apartment "Can I come inside?" he asked, noticing I had closed the door behind me "No, you can't and why did you even have access to my application?" I demanded "I review all potential employees" he responded easily, eyes still on the door "So the three of you did merge companies?" I spoke softly to myself, eyes trained on the floor as I used my body to block the door.

 I knew I'd have a lot of explaining to do if he knew who was on the other side of the door. "Yeah, we did," he nodded, finally looking at me as I flinched under his gaze "Expect my resignation in the morning then" I said as he frowned "Sweetheart" he started, only to be cut off "Don't call me that" I snapped, his frown deepening but he nodded nonetheless. "Why are you here Zion?" I asked "Checking up on an old friend?" I assumed as he narrowed his eyes "We were more than friends and you don't get to pretend otherwise Aurora" but I merely shrugged "Could've fooled me, now if you're not going to get to the point I have to go" but before I could let myself back into my apartment, the door opened as Blair poked her head out, her eyes lighting up at the sight of a new person. "Go back inside honey" I urged as Zion stared at her in shock "I have to go Zion, I wish I could say it was nice seeing you" I said, trying to usher my child out of the hallway, but before I could shut the door he stuck his foot in the way and as much as I wanted to crush that foot I had to set an example for Blair.

"How old is she?" Zion asked with desperation in his voice, as though he were praying that it wasn't what he thought it was. "She'll be four in a couple months" I said before scooting his foot out of the way and shutting the door. He frantically knocked a few times but I ignored it, and when he realized I wasn't going to open the door, the knocking finally stopped as I watched him from my window as he got into his car in a hurry. 

I knew I would regret answering his question but he deserved at least a fraction of the pain I had endured raising her alone for damn near four years. Despite how much I wanted to curl up in my bed and hide from the whole situation, I had a child to feed and another job to find. I couldn't resign as quickly as I said I would because I don't have access to any of my money and I had to take care of Blair somehow. So we ate and an hour later I was putting Blair to bed. "This isn't going to end well" I whispered to myself shutting her door as I went to go wash up before my phone pinged with a text from an unknown number.

'Is it true?' The text read and I knew it could only be one of two people, and I wasn't ready to have that conversation so soon. I should've known Zion would run to the others, but instead of responding I just ignored the message and went on cleaning up around the apartment before I fell into my own little pit of despair.

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