Chapter One: The Lonely Girl, and The Boy in The Cloak

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Authors notes: Hi! Welcome to this, thing I am writing!

TW FOR RAPE, BEGINS AT "Laying her down in the back seat as he eyed her like she was a grand feast." , AND ENDS AT " Len got into the front of his cart, gesturing for the horse to begin the soft trotting on the way back to his place."

This chapter will be very dark, and in all actuality so will be the entire fic! Be weary while reading and of course, enjoy <3


Rin. Rin was her name. Or, so she thought at least.

It was the only thing she was left with as a child. A paper note that was written "Our dearest Rin, stay safe, and run away. Love, Mommy and Daddy."

She didn't understand the words written on paper, the only thing she could read was Rin. So, she assumed that was who she was. Her name was Rin. And only Rin. And she was okay with that. At only five-years old. Rin Amai had forgotten who she really was, if it weren't for her parents writing the note, she wouldn't have a name at all.


Creeks are what brought her comfort.

She often found herself by the creeks, sitting on the dry, dirt edges. Or sitting on rocks as the water rippled over her feet. She loved to watch the fishes swim away when she tried to catch them, or how the little frogs ribbit, and hopped along the rocks. It was one of the little peaceful things she could capture in this life. So any moment she could, she would cherish these moments with all that she could.

It was a month, or two, maybe three since Rin was on her own. She had learned a new word today. Or, maybe a new sentence? "Don't let me die!" Was what she heard echoing across the leaves. She didn't grasp the meaning of those words being screamed out desperately, but it shot her body with fear. Causing her to get up and run farther. She didn't want to be near the noise, it scared her. It was loud, it was scary. And it would always cause her to have nightmares.

"Dear god..." She started. The little girl was now ten. Foundering and foraging for food was her way to live. She was sitting on her legs, her elbows rested on a rock as she had held her hands together. Her hands pressed against her forehead as she took a deep breath. Squeezing her eyes shut.

"Dear god... Why hasn't it stopped?" She began, trying to not choke in her own tears. "I want to see my mommy and daddy... If I even have one..." She croaked out a sob, sniffling as she continued. "I'm afraid... Why am I all alone?" She said, tightening her grip on her own hands as she stifled her sobs.

"WHY AM I ALONE?!" She screamed. She became one of those men, screaming out in pleas. Yet, only hers was different. Because no matter how loud she yelled. Not even a god wanted to hear sorrowfulness.


She didn't know how old she was. All she knew is that people treated her differently now.

After she had found a little tavern, she decided it was best to stay near there. Or at least, within the general area. It's where she would often hang out, still alone. She was currently sitting at a booth, a plate of a simple sandwich was in-front of her, a glass of water beside it.

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