Chapter 1 Part 1 (Jamie's prespective)

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It has been... How long? Two months? Three months? It's been 8 months since we figured out Tristan's betrayal and the lab experiments, in my opinion... It has shaken us all. So I better tell what happened after the whole thing.

I'm currently in my house, writing in my diary. I'm mostly doing alright but my hallucinations and "glitches" (hallucinations that look vivid and broken) have been more and more frequent.
It feels exhausting to deal with such frequent things that that they take a toll on your mind.

I haven't heard much from my friends lately. Probably because they need some time off from Trisha's death and the events circling them. I don't exactly blame them, It's mostly a tiring thing to deal with a friend's death.

Well I better end my diary here. I'm currently having to go to my school and let me tell you one thing even though I was affected by what happened, but hey... I'm remaining optimistic as ever.

From Jamie Ambernight

As I finished writing in my diary, my ink started to fade. I sighed looking annoyed as the black pens are always the pens that tend to fade out quickly. I put the pen in my blue mug and went to get my breakfast.

As I opened the door, I could see my cousin had thrown her spoons and shoes everywhere on the corridor floors.
Well it was a bit of an annoyance considering that she is always the one who causes the messes in the household.

In my opinion, she and I are quite the opposites... I'm more of a clean freak while she tends to throw and mess up everything in the house. She is also very abrasive especially when talking to people, I'm more of a nicer and a bit of a naive person if I'm honest.

I don't consider her necessarily a bad person but she tends to be abrasive, a messy person and tends to be a bit... Um... Rude in a way. But one thing for sure, she isn't a coward. But she is also a bit simple-minded at times considering her grades are mostly under 65% most of the time.

I picked up the shoes and put them in the shoe rack as I also picked up all the spoons that I could find and went to the kitchen to put them in the dishwasher. I soon decided to call my cousin and yelled her name "Marla! Come here! Did you mess around again?"

Marla came downstairs to the kitchen with a smirk which is rather cheeky and condescending which of course... Makes me rather annoyed at her. "Why not ask Travis? "Younger brother" As he is the one who is a complete spoil-sport!" Marla said using her usual snarkiness.

I shook my head because I knew that it was her and not Travis although he is also a spoil-sport. "Now you're only making excuses again..." I said as Marla smirked and gave me words of abrasiveness "Well maybe you should have followed Travis more closely, then he wouldn't have made you follow him like a fool!" Marla said before leaving and going into her room.

I sighed as I watched her leave. I know I'm nice but I have limits towards people like her but how can I hate her? She is literally my cousin and my closest relative. Not to mention she is the one who takes care of us when my mother is usually at work.

I shrugged off the thought of her annoying me before I went to get a crossiant and left the kitchen. I grabbed my keys, my backpack and put my phone into my pocket for calling my cousin.
I soon opened the jammed door and managed to close it this time.

Today was especially chilly in the UK as I heard that temperatures dropped to 2°C today with the weather forecast. I luckily brought my coat today as per usual... As
UK weather tends to get cold as heck.
I walked across the wet, rocky pavement of the streets and sat down on the bus-stop. I was waiting for my friends as I looked impatient.

Clair came as she sat down next to me. Clair was working at a part-time job at her mother's bakery and one of my closest friends, mostly she is naive and nice... She tends to trust people a bit too easily. She turned around and smiled at me....

______ / ___--______

(Well the lines are important, remember this. You will understand why one of the lines has a slash cut)

(Finally! This is my first book, so I'm trying my best to create ideas... But I feel as if this book is rushed. Well I made this part in two days, so don't blame me.)

(Well I'm actually impressed about this part. This is one of my favourite ideas and my favorite crossover so far. So even though this is my first book... I'm impressed with the progress I've made.)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16 ⏰

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