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A loud slap noise echoes through the whole cafeteria.
The room falls silent for a second. Everybody stops their conversations to turn around.

"It's just Craig again", a student whispers to another.

Their interest falls abruptly as this scenario happens about every two weeks.
Every two weeks he gets dumped by another girl who asked him out and it always ends the same.

Craig clicks his tongue and sits down next to his usual friend group after the gazes go back to their tables: Tolkien, Clyde and Jimmy.

"Seriously?", Tolkien snickers. "Again? This time it didn't even last 10 whole days."

Craig rolls his eyes and shrugs:"I don't know why they keep hitting me. It's highly inappropriate and unnecessary."

Jimmy raises a finger:"Well, m-maybe don't g-g-go around mak-.. m-making out w-with other g-g-girls, you d-dog."

He shoves a spoon full of rice in his mouth and continues to slobber his words:"I swear, I tell them the conditions beforehand and they literally agree. Should I start making them sign contracts or something?"

Craig is a known serial dater in university. He says yes to every girl who asks him out and usually doesn't break up with them either.

It's the girls that leave Craig because he has one specific condition they have to agree on before they start dating: Don't get jealous or complain when he's with other girls.

This scares a lot of them and they therefore take back the confession they've told him but a lot of girls also think they can change him or actually make him fall in love.

And they always get proven wrong and get their feelings hurt which leads to.. A break-up followed by a loud slap.

"Guys", Craig slams his hands on the table. "Am I really the asshole for doing that stuff? I mean, I warn them and they still go through with wanting to be with me, so how am I in the wrong?"

Clyde sighs and buries his face in his hand:"God, you're seriously a scumbag."

Even though his promiscuous way of living is highly looked down upon by many students of the university, he's still surrounded by enough girls that just wait for the next break-up to ask him out.

He's incredibly well known in school as many younger freshman admire his playboyish aura and others just find the whole scheme hilarious and love to follow it.

They're curious on if there's actually a chosen girl who can change his mind on love.

Every girl who asks him out thinks she's the one but to this day, no one has survived more than a few weeks.

Now, it's not that he's refusing to do anything with them after they start dating, no, he meets up with them, goes on dates and more.

It's the fact that no matter how affectionate he seems to someone, he's always meeting someone else at the same time. That hurts a lot of girl's hearts because his contradictory behavior on one hand makes them fall deeply in love with him but also proves that he doesn't truly love them.

Craig in general is a very nonchalant person who doesn't care a lot about other people's emotions and thoughts as he also has trouble understanding them, therefore gave up in trying to.

He's frequently described as cold and apathetic by classmates. But that was his charm, at least to the girls.

"Excuse me!"

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