Hachune Miku needs to eat

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Hachune was HONGRY, she need sandmich

Hachune: "Miku Miku." (I need sandmich)

She went to fridge for Sandmich

The Sandmich only had leek on it

although it looked like it was made by Gordon Ramsey at full speed while his cheeks were clapping and clenching.

she finally somehow open the fridge even though shes tiny and cant reach things well.

she realized the Sandmich had a mold that had lung disease, enough spice to make your grandparents shart everywhere, and can make you explode

like a nuclear bomb that can destroy the multiverse and non existant multiverse.

Hachune: "Miku." (Damn)

she threw Sandmich away

it exploded like bomb

it eat her entire house and Hachune eventually teleported to Rin and Len.

Len: "E." he repeated that seven trillion zillion googleplex billion times because

he annoyed Rin for funnies and sharts.

Rin: "R i n." (SHUT)

Hachune: "Miku Miku mi." (Wat du hel)

Hachune was in visible confusion by whatever the hell happened

Hachune sang at Len and it make him sleep somehow, his snores were louder then two blackholes colliding

Rin just wanted him to shut

so Rin almost kill him

but Hachune stop her

Hachune suddenly told Rin everything that happened before this, eventually Len woke up.

Rin decided that she could make her a sandmich

Rin: "Rin Rin Rin riii" (I can make Sandmich for you I have lunchmeat and-)

Hachune: "M I K U" (N O)

Rin: "Rin Rin" (what why)


Rin: "Rin Rin Rin Rin" (I don't have leek though)

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Rin: "Rin Rin Rin Rin" (I don't have leek though)

Len: "Len Len len" (lets just find some)

they go out to get leek from wherever the hell

To be continued..(Why did I write this? IDK- FOR GiGGLES HEHEHAWHAW)

Btw yes I will make multiple parts lol

Hachune Miku and The SandmichWhere stories live. Discover now