Nights into Days

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The morning of the funeral dawned over the sprawling countryside of Andong, where the Choi family manor stood as a testament to generations of legacy and tradition. Nestled amidst rolling hills and lush greenery, the grand estate exuded an air of timeless elegance.

That sunny day in the middle of March felt uncharacteristically heavy with the news of Chairman Choi's passing. The house, once bustling with life and laughter, now stood shrouded in silence and sorrow as Kang Haeun prepared for the day ahead. Her reflection in the mirror revealed a young woman with eyes that carried the weight of years spent in service to the Choi family. For as long as she could recall, her world had orbited around the Chois, a family she had grown to love and depend on.

Her father, the esteemed Mr. Choi's personal driver, and her mother, the trusted assistant to Mrs. Choi, had ingrained in her an unwavering loyalty to the family. Even after the tragic demise of all four of them in a car accident almost ten years ago, leaving Haeun an orphan at the age of fifteen, she found solace and purpose in the halls of the Choi estate. After graduating college, she became the personal secretary to Chairman Choi, who had taken her under his wing, and, along with his wife, they dotted on and cherished Haeun as if she were their own.

Among the Chois, there was one figure who held a special place in her heart - Seungcheol, the Chairman's grandson who had also been left an orphan as a result of the accident. Being a few years younger than him, she followed him around everywhere although they were never really close since Haeun was always a few steps behind when it came to life's milestones, so she could only watch from a distance as he eventually left Andong for Seoul and put everything he had into being a suitable sucessor to his grandfather, the premature passing of his parents forcing him to be ready way before it was initially planned.

What began as a teenage girl's infatuation had blossomed into a deep, unrequited love over the years. To Haeun, Seungcheol was an epitome of perfection, a dutiful man beyond reproach. However, in his eyes, she was simply 'there', a fact that stung more deeply with each passing day.


Haeun quietly moved through the corridors of the manor, the soft click of her heels against the polished wooden floors echoing in the hallowed halls. Smoothing over the hem of her black skirt, she made her way to the parlor where Seungcheol and his grandma had gathered after bidding farewell to Chairman Choi, the scent of fresh flowers floating in the air, a poignant reminder of the solemn occasion that had brought them all to this moment.

As one of his last wishes, the ailing man had insisted on a private funeral and burial service. And by private he meant no distant relatives, no business acquaintances, no one who had not accompanied him during his last years. In fact, the only ones in attendance besides Haeun, were Seungcheol, his grandma - the chairman's widow, and the remaining household staff. Chairman Choi wouldn't have it any other way.

As always, Haeun found herself drawn to Seungcheol, observing him from a distance as he stood by one of the grand windows that overlooked the meticulously landscaped gardens. The rays of sunlight through the glass made him frown, accentuating the contemplative expression that furrowed his brow as he grappled with the aftermath of his grandfather's passing.

Her attention then turned to his grandma, who was sitting on the couch with a vacant expression as her trembling hands held on to a cup of lukewarm tea. Haeun sat next to her and gently took the cup away while offering her a sympathetic smile.

"Thank you, dear. I guess I'm not in the mood for tea." Grandma Choi mused with a sigh and looked around the room "These flowers are lovely. My husband would've been pleased, don't you think?"

Haeun could only squeeze her hand and nod in agreement. Even though the Chairman had been sick for a long time and his fate was inevitable, the pain of parting ways with someone you shared a life with for almost 5 decades was unimaginable and the newly widowed woman's current state was a testament of that. Haeun's thoughts were interrupted by Seungcheol clearing his throat and walking over to them.

"Mr. Song is here." He announced as he held out his hand to his grandmother and gently helped her up "He's waiting for us in the study."

"I'll be in the kitchen." Haeun said while also getting up "Call for me if you need anything."

However, Seungcheol stood in front of her as she tried to leave "He said you need to be there too."

"Me?" She asked in confusion.

This was a family matter, why was she being summoned? Judging by Seungcheol's expression, he seemed to be asking himself the same thing.

"You are very much a part of this, dear." Grandma Choi added as if reading their minds "Come."


As the three of them took their seats and settled in front of the mahogany desk, an air of anticipation mingled with apprehension settled over the room. Sitting on the opposite side, Mr. Song, the appointed executor of the will, began to speak, his voice resonating through the walls.

Haeun allowed herself to space out as Mr. Song endlessly listed the assets and what would happen to each of them. Feeling out of place, she fidgeted in her seat, still wondering why her presence was required in the first place and what Grandma Choi meant by her previous statement.

The answer came just a few minutes later.

"...finally, my grandson, Seungcheol, will inherit all my shares from Carat Group and will officially take over as CEO," Mr. Song read from the document in his hands, his words echoing in the room.

Snapping back to reality, Haeun's eyes flickered to Seungcheol, whose expression remained unreadable as he absorbed the reality of a whole conglomerate now resting on his shoulders. She almost jumped out of her seat when he whipped his head in her direction as Mr. Song uttered the words that would change everything.

"...under the condition that he marries Ms. Kang Haeun immediately."

You are very much a part of this, dear.



A/N: what can I say? I've been on a Scoups kick lately.

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