Chapter 2|Settling In

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Y/n POV:

Meteors continue to fall from the sky; Robin and I collect materials such as nutrient blocks and flairs that were scattered around the crash site for a while, occasionally warming up by the burning shuttle that landed us here.

Once we collected all we could we decided to follow the signal that led to the drop pod. "Come on N/n, we need to get a move on if we're gonna survive and find out what really happened to Sam." Robin said, walking towards the signal through a path of Thermal Lilies, without waiting for me to respond.

She seemed...tired...muttering about how nothing was going to plan and what she was going to do with me. While I do understand why she's upset with me, I do find it a little frustrating that she doesn't think I can handle myself. But anyway, I hurriedly follow behind her and try not to get distracted by the beauty of the flora.

We eventually make our way to the water where the drop pod is located. Robin is the first to leap into the frosty depths of the ocean while I take a moment to hype myself up. I knew it was going to be cold, and I knew there was going to be a lot of swimming involved, but that didn't change the fact I hated cold water.

Taking a deep breath and closing my eyes, I dive into the water.

After submerging I notice the water was actually warmer than the surface, it was still cold don't get me wrong, but it was less so compared to the surface. Opening my eyes and allowing them to adjust to the lighting, my vision is met with a fascinating sight to behold. Various colors and shades of flora and fauna, it was almost hypnotizing.

I almost forget I'm on a mission as a large one eyed fish swims around my head in curiosity. I swim up to the surface for some air before getting back on task; diving back below the surface I swim in the direction of the drop pod where I swiftly catch up with Robin who seemed a bit panicked.

I swim up to her calmly and an expression of relief replaces her previous one once she sees me, which is quickly replaced by annoyance. She punches my shoulder, then grabs my arm and drags me to the drop pod, opens the bulkhead and enters the airlock with me beside her.

Once the water had drained from the airlock she enters the main area of the pod, still dragging me behind her, and proceeds to scold me about not keeping up like she didn't leave me behind without checking to make sure I was actually following.

A notification suddenly pops up on Robins PDA, fortunately distracting her so I can remove myself from her hold.

The message was a voice recording paired with a written version: "I want to offer my sincerest condolences on the passing of your sister." It began. I frown at the mention of Sam, being reminded once again why we're here in the first place. "I got to know Sam better toward the end of my mandate with Alterra on 4546B, when we were thrown together as base-mates at Outpost Zero. She spoke often, and fondly of you." The message continued.

"I thought you should know , it didn't sit right with me when Alterra blamed Sam's death on negligence. The Samantha Ayou I met was many things– kind, clever, devoted to her work– but never negligent." I silently nod in agreement. I may not have known much about Sam, we never interacted a whole lot since Sam and I were always messing around, but from what I've heard from Robin she was a good person.

"I wish I could offer you something more substantial, but my access to information has been cut off. You may be in a better position to look into things than I am. If you're able to. Delta Station was our HQ. They were in a big hurry to leave, and there might still be information to be found there. It has a big radio tower. Impossible to miss." The woman from the message explained.

"I hope you find the answers you seek,

Lillian Bench." The woman, I now know as Lillian, finished. And with that, the recording ended. There were a few other messages on the PDA but they were old ones from Sam that Robin had probably listened to hundreds of times since the announcement of her sister's death.

I look at Robin to see a mix of emotions on her face, but one thing was clear. Her determination just increased.

I on the other hand was worried for her; was this really worth it? This was totally illegal on so many levels, and not to mention the dangers of this planet that isn't even completely mapped! But I had to help her, otherwise I would have come here for nothing.




A few hours of response gathering and fabricating later, thanks to the fabricator provided by the drop pod; we both now had a scanner, flippers, an oxygen tank/mask with a com-link so we can talk to each other from long distances (and talk to each other underwater), and I had volunteered to work on the base once we get a habitat builder. Unfortunately however I didn't have any blueprints to use so no base yet.

"I hope to find a builder and some blueprints soon, this pod is getting a tad cramped." I think to myself. "Overall though, it hasn't been too bad here so far." I smile at the thought. "Famous last words." I chuckle, knowing it's only going to get worse from here on out.

By this time it was getting pretty dark out so Robin and I settle in the pod and try to get some sleep.

{Okay, so that's enough writing for this chapter. I'm tired and my motivation just died, heh. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you in the next one. (I should probably mention that most of these chapters are not edited, that will likely happen in a potential rewrite. I say potential rewrite bc idk if yall reading this book would be interested in one so depending on how well this book does will result in if I rewrite a proper edition.)}

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