was my love never enough??

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In the silence of my heart, I painted the canvas of our unspoken love, each stroke a testament to the depth of my affection, a masterpiece you never knew existed. Through every verse penned, I poured my soul into poetry, whispering words of adoration that danced upon the winds, yet remained unheard by your ears. My love for you, a silent symphony, played out in the shadows of your unawareness, a love so profound, so pure, yet left unacknowledged by the one it yearned for.

I adorned you with the tender care of a sculptor shaping marble into beauty, every gesture a testament to my devotion, while you remained oblivious to the depths of my affection. I was the unseen hand behind the scenes, crafting moments of tenderness and longing, while you wandered through life unaware of the love that enveloped you.

Yet, in the depths of my solitude, I found solace in the role I played, the artist, the poet, the lover, each facet of my being dedicated to you, even though you never returned the sentiment. For in the act of loving you, I found the true essence of selflessness, a love that transcended the need for reciprocation, a love that existed simply for the sake of loving.

So, was loving not that fair? In the bittersweet symphony of unrequited love, perhaps it was the most beautiful tragedy of all, a testament to the resilience of the human heart, to love fiercely and unconditionally, even in the face of indifference.

Always the lover, never the loved.Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat