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(TRIGGER WARNING! MENTIONS OF PERIODS! also for context, Cody's trans)


Amelia standing near her locker next to Sophia, talking about something random

🐈‍⬛: Sophia...you NEED to let me do your makeup sometime!

💀: I dunno...I know you're pretty good at makeup, but traditional goth makeup is kinda complicated...

🐈‍⬛: what!? No way! I'm sure I could do it! You'd look amazing girl!

The two girls keep talking, when all of the sudden...

🟥: hey! You!

Brad starts running up to them

🐈‍⬛: hm? Is that Brad?

💀: *scowls* oh god...what does he want?

Brad immediately shoves Sophia out of the way, and pins Amelia to one of the lockers

🐈‍⬛: H-HUH!?

🟥: listen...Imma need you to do something for me...

🐈‍⬛: w-what...? *Scared*


🟥:...do you have any spare pads on you...?

🐈‍⬛:...I'm sorry?

💀: *gets up from the floor* what the hell do you need a pad for?

🟥: I-IT'S NOT FOR ME OR ANYTHING! I just...uhhh...

Brad stays quiet for a few seconds, seemingly thinking of something

🟥: I...need some for a prank! Yeah! I-i'm gonna get some pads, put some red pen on it, a-and stick them all over the cafeteria! Principal Mal will flip when they see it!




💀:...that's it, I'm beating the shit out of him...*Sophia grabs Brad by the collar*

🐈‍⬛: wait! Brad, if I give you some pads, will you leave us alone?

🟥: yes

🐈‍⬛: *sigh*...fine, here...

Amelia hands Brad some period pads, which Brad immediately snatches from her

🟥: don't expect to receive anything in return! *Leaves*

🐈‍⬛: ugh...you alright Sophia?

💀: yeah...but you should've let me beat his ass...

Meanwhile, Brad enters the boys restroom, and knocks on one of the stalls

🟥: Cody? You still in there bro?

🟣: yeah, I'm still in here dude...*he sounds stressed about something*

🟥: don't worry bro, got you some pads...

Brad reaches down under the stall to hand Cody some pads, which Cody immediately accepts

🟣: shit! Thanks so much dude!

🟥: *blushing* yeah yeah...just hurry up before someone comes in here to piss or something...

Blah blah blah Cody put the pad in, and him and Brad left the restroom cause idk how to end this they're so fruity you guys


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