Chapter 1: The Realisation

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{Author's Note} Hello beautiful people! Thank you for coming to read my (probably terrible) fanfic. (I'm shocked that you're here, ready for some cringe?)


Anyway, happy reading! (I hope this one gets at least a few votes 😅)


Harry was talking with his friends, Hermione and Ron in one of the hallways in Hogwarts. It was his 6th year, and he had recently become very good friends with Draco Malfoy, who used to be his enemy, and still Ron's. He wasn't so bad when you finally accepted his invitation to be friends, and he'd even started being nice to Hermione, and bringing her new books from the library to read, because turns out, he's a huge reader too. Harry though? Nah, Harry had better things to think about apparently (don't know what though, reading is the best, in fact you should agree because you are reading right now 😌) .

Harry was getting bored, because on this particular day Ron and Hermione were both arguing yet again about a school topic that had absolutely no relation to him. He decided that he would go find Draco. He was generally more interesting because his friends (Blaise and Pansy), were most of the time complete idiots, so he always had a new story to tell about their mischief. Harry always found them hilarious, while Draco just sighed. He was too 'refined' to find joy in stupid stuff.

Harry stopped walking suddenly just in front of the boy's bathrooms. He could smell a strange scent, one that he recognised. Blood. The back of his neck prickled anxiously. He tried to calm down. "It's probably another thing that Mrs Norris killed," he thought aloud. "No need to be scared."

He stepped towards the door cautiously. That's when he heard the most screwed up, creepy laugh that someone could make. It was soft and high pitched, and it sounded as if someone had been let out of a psych ward. His neck prickled more. It definitely wasn't Mrs Norris this time.

He peeked slowly around the door and saw the most scary, heartbreaking sight. Arik, the popular boy, was giggling manically, a knife held in his blood covered hand, standing over a heavily bleeding Draco. He had been stabbed in his shoulder and obviously been there for about five minutes because the blood had made a dark red puddle around the bleeding boy on the floor.

"You'll be dead before you know it!" Arik jumped excitedly and spun around the room, moving away from the pool of Draco's blood. "Ah, I haven't smelt this in...what, years? The first time I killed my father, oh yes, the smell was gorgeous...blood, thick blood spilled was like I had been bathed in perfume! And of course, nobody noticed all these years how I adore the smell of it." Bile rose in Harry's throat and he nearly vomited. How could someone love a smell that means someone is dying? He truly had gone mad.

Draco lifted his head, and Harry's heart bounded. He was alive!

"'re sick. Smell of blood? I'm shocked that your mother hasn't put you in a psych ward." Draco rasped, putting a shivering hand on his bleeding stab wound on his chest. He was getting dangerously pale, but Harry could do nothing. If he went in there Arik would kill him too. Instead he hoped Arik would eventually leave, so Harry could help Draco.

"I'm going to the bathroom like I'm supposed to, and you better not move." Arik's voice deepened. "How am I supposed to move?! You mauled me." Draco responded, scoffing. Arik descended into maniacal laughter again, walked up into the furthest stall and shut the door.

Harry decided this was his chance. He ran towards Draco and put his hand over Draco's shaky one, holding back some of the blood. "Draco!" Harry whispered urgently. "Potter?! Why are you here?! You need to escape, now!" Draco whispered back angrily. "I can't leave you, you're bleeding." Harry used his other hand to hold another of his gushing wounds. "Potter, it's not safe. He'll kill you if he sees you and I can't let that happen." Draco looked into Harry's eyes, a pleading look etched his face. Harry had never seen Draco, let alone anyone, have that much worry and love in their eyes. It was like he could tell what Draco's heart was saying.

"No, I'm not leaving you. I need to help you." Harry whispered stubbornly. Suddenly they heard the toilet flush, and Draco quickly pulled Harry's collar, making him slump over him as he covered Harry with his blood-soaked cloak. Arik skipped out. "I'm baack!" he sang.

Harry's heart was beating so fast as he tried to stop breathing so noticeably. Draco groaned in pain, and Harry could feel his muscly arm wrapped around Harry's waist quiver from the loss of blood. He tried his best to cover Draco's wounds, but from this position it was nearly impossible.

"Ugh I'm bored, I think I'll go kill someone else." Arik grumbled and bounded out of the room. Draco pushed the bloody cloak off of Harry gingerly.

"Potter what the HELL were you thinking?!" Draco said angrily. "You could have died! I want to protect you and not be saved by you!"

"Save your energy, I'm gonna take you to the hospital wing." Harry grumbled back at him.

"Oh no you don't."

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