Embarking On Our Quest

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"I'm just trying to find a troll named-"

The troll we knew as John Dory threw his hands to his face and made a dramatized gasp. He ran over to where we were standing and jumped in front of us.

"Baby Branch!"

"Uhh. You're making a mistake, stranger that looks similar to me. There's no Branch here". This guy really sucks at lying. Sorry Branch, but that's the truth. I just wanna lightly slap him across the face and tell him to pull himself together.

"Look at you, you got so big! You're not a Branch anymore, you're more like a trunk — junk in the trunk" John Dory laughed when he hit Branch on his rear and then picked up Branch before realizing he was too old to do so anymore. I think Poppy was either confused or seeing red, her tone was very demanding though.

"Hey! Stop right there. You put my boyfriend down and tell us who you are and what you want!" John Dory threw Branch off of him so I threw my arms out to catch Branch without a second to think. I'm noticing that my fight or flight really comes in when it involves Branch. John Dory fixed his goggles and put his hand out expecting a handshake.

"I'm Branch's brother." Shit. Absolutely everyone around us started gasping and Poppy couldn't close her jaw. "Correction. Used to be my brother."

John's eyes looked behind Poppy to see me and Branch standing together. "Woah! Veneer?! You're here too!?"

"Hey John..." I felt awkward with his presence so I only let out an airy laugh. That was until I felt John run up and wrap his arms around me while laughing which put me in a state of confusion. I didn't know how to act around him anymore.

"Oh, okay! This is uh- we're doing this now?" He pulled himself away from me and did a quick up and down look.

"Wow! You really grew up too, kid! God, I'm old." I let Poppy go off on Branch and introduce herself to John. The only thing going through my mind was 'Why now?' Why would John finally show up now after all these years?

"Wait, I know you. You're the guy from BroZone! We were just listening to them!" Oh crap. She's gonna figure it out.

"Okay, you're not the Heartthrob"


"Well, that's your opinion"

"The fun one? No, you're kind of uptight"

Okay, go off


"Mmm, not the Sensitive One either.."

The Sensitive One. I never thought I'd hear Poppy mention him ever. I really hope John isn't here to tell us something about him.

"Okay, lot of assumptions for someone you just met 30 seconds ago"

"Oh oh! I've got it! You're John Dory!"

"The leader-"

"The old one!"

Damn I'm really watching John get humbled in front of my own very eyes.

"It feels a lot more offensive when someone else calls you old."

"Wait. So if you're Branch's bro, then that means that all the other BroZone bros are Branch's bros too!"

Yep, there it is. I knew it wouldn't take her too long to piece it together

I felt bad for Branch right now. The BroZone days were something he wanted to push deep down inside him and never let anyone else know about. Yet, here stands his brother and his girlfriend publicly announcing it.

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