Chapter 8 Discoveries

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When the radio, demon is returning from a long walk around the island resort there is a conversation that is happening.As many of the employees and guests of the resort are talking about what had happened.When Alastor got close you had some of the employees mentioning about how Valentino made a scene in the casino level of the resort.

That alone will cause some issues as the punishment will be very strange to say the least.But that isn't what peaked his interest he overheard something that was related to the television overlord that had caught Alastor attention as there is some more information that is very interesting to him.

Soon after that is finished with all of the guests, returned to their rooms as everything is ready to shut down for night.Then there is a sound that sounds like radio static heading right towards the studio level of the resort as the radio demon is determined to find if his rival as well.

But unfortunately he was a bit preoccupied at the moment, considering that everything was closing off for the night so he should try tomorrow as he also remembered that Husker was there, so perhaps he'll get some answers from the former overlord.But that will be in his room as he soon sinks into the shadows and returned to his room at the resort.

Once he had returned to his room at the resort with a snap of his fingers Alastor soon summoned the bartender into his room as Husk looked around seeing the radio demon.As the bartender is confused as to why the radio demon summoned him away after all of that drama happened.

But it became clear to the former overlord that the radio demon wanted, some answers about what just happened.Then the bartender didn't have time to react as Alastor soon towered over him as despite his ever smiling face, the former overlord knew that the radio demon wants answers.As Husker is going to give out those answers as it is clear that the deer overlord wants some answers, considering that the bartender is the next best option.

"So....Husk my friend...... I heard at the casino level that there was an issue and apparently Vox was there to help resolve that issue. But what I don't understand is why he looks different from before.As I was able to see him on those picture boxes with his brand new appearance. Mine telling me that including what happened at the casino level there."

"Look Alastor I don't know what to tell you I was distracted, unfortunately. I did see your rivals new appearance. It surprised me to say the least. Including how he looked at the other members of his group it was like he didn't even know them. Afterwards, when I saw him, he became different when he interacted with the other members of his group. He was somewhat blessed and happy in an unusual way. As his new personality and new appearance is odd I don't know what to tell you that's all I know."

That seems to only somewhat satisfy the radio demon, but he needed to know more as he knows that the bartender still has something. So he decided to try again as the deer overlord wanted more answers and Husker still has so many answers as the radio demon needed to figure it out. There were so many things that are missing as he needed to connect those dots and the bartender is the key to connect in those dots together.

" Aside from Vox having a new appearance you mentioned he acted differently after the little disagreement they are with the spider demon. Might I get more detail for that?"

"Well..... It's hard to say even though he has a new appearance and he helped Angel. When I went over to him he acted completely different even though I'm getting used to his new look. He acted all bubbly and bliss out afterwards when we're returning to the studio level of the resort. It was strange, but before I could actually get a proper look at it became clear that the resort is going to turn in for the night, so I decided to leave it be. What are you gonna do, Al? I've already told you what I know I don't know what's with him, but he's changed. As much as I'm gonna say it and regret it.It has to be said he didn't recognize Valentino and Velvette. How can you be so show that he'll recognize you? Given his new personality and his new look it's clearly something happened to him."

That made the radio demon pause for a minute. It was true with the former overload said. As he'll cross that bridge when he comes to it, but for now he decided that he got what he needed for the moment. Then he snapped his fingers, sending the bartender back as there was something that Alastor needed to do still.As so now though he needed to lay low at the moment, wait for the perfect opportunity to see his rival and then ask him directly why he was working in this resort.

Especially what's with his new appearance and personality. Something about all of that felt off at least to the radio demon it did.But all that he could do is wait and be patient. Wait for the perfect opportunity to strike at it then get his answers. But the radio demon knows this much. There is an overlord running this resort perhaps he'll get answers from that overlord but for now he needs to wait.

Alastor decided that he should eat something as there was no point of getting frustrated without having a proper meal after all.Then he soon brought out his favourite meal as he began to eat it as since he was not at the hotel and not in pentagram city. He needs to wait to get his answers, though the discoveries he made today are interesting.As he needs wait then he'll get his asses from Vox and that overlord but not for today however perhaps tomorrow as right now all he needed to do is wait.

[A/N:I made a Q&A for this AU of mine it's in one of my books the name is called: Classics. As the characters from this AU.Will answer your questions, including there will be some context. That is it.]

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20 ⏰

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