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Bloodmoon, with a hint of disbelief and scorn, lounged back and sneered, "Ill? Yeah, right. We haven't even laid eyes on the moon-man."

Sun, visibly agitated, rubbed his arm in frustration, let out a deep sigh, and brushed his hair back, urging Bloodmoon to let it go. "Just drop it," he said.

Bloodmoon was taken aback by Sun's uncharacteristic aloofness, and apologized, "Sorry, sunlight. Yes, we're sorry, sun-man."

With an eerie grin, Bloodmoon stood up and leaned in menacingly close to Sun, making a vow. "We'll bring you a gift - an apology gift!"

Eclipse interrupted the conversation, reminding the trio of their duties. "Don't forget, you three have work to do," he said.

Bloodmoon stalled for a moment, rolled their eyes in exasperation, and reluctantly agreed, "Fine, yes, we remember. Yes, yes, we didn't forget."

Bloodmoon ran their claws through their hair before walking out of the office, and Eclipse followed soon after, turning back to Sun. "Don't worry, I'm sure the moon will get better," he said reassuringly.

Sun looked at Eclipse and nodded, letting out a deep sigh before saying, "I hope so."

As Eclipse walked out of the room with a wave of his hand, Sun was left alone. But not for long, as Monty appeared at the window with his papers. "Sup, sunny! How have ya been?" he said with a smile.

Sun and Monty were engaged in a conversation. Sun seemed a little stressed, and he let out a sigh while looking at some papers in his hand. "I've been better, how about you?" he asked Monty.

Monty, on the other hand, looked quite excited. He chuckled and replied, "My date has been fantastic! Earth is such a sweetheart!"

Sun held in a giggle before saying jokingly, "Simp."

Monty groaned and shook his head in disappointment. "I should've seen that coming," he said.

Sun laughed and handed Monty his papers back, smiling as he tried to hold in his giggles again. "You're good to go, Monty! Make sure you're free on Sunday. I want to go shopping with you guys," he said.

Monty's smile widened, and he walked through the gate, saying as he went, "I'll be sure!"

As the day progressed, Sun's fatigue grew with each passing moment. He trudged back to his apartment, feeling drained from the day's activities. Upon entering his apartment, he made his way to Moon's room and collapsed onto the bed with a heavy sigh. "Hey Moon," he said softly, "guess what? Monty has a girlfriend named Earth. She's nice to him, and we're planning to go shopping tomorrow. I wish you could come with us, Moonie. I miss you, brother. But don't worry, I'll take care of everything."

As he spoke, Sun couldn't help but feel a twinge of sadness. He and Moon had always done everything together, and it was hard to imagine going shopping without him. But he knew that Moon would want him to keep going, to keep living his life even though he was no longer there.

Sun stood up, took a deep breath, and began to go through his moon schedule. As he looked at the tasks for the day, his mind wandered back to the old daycare days. He hummed the familiar tune of the daycare's theme song, trying to distract himself from the night of the attack - July 16th - that still haunted him.

Sun's attention returned to his ailing brother, Moon, who needed constant care. Sun fed Moon through his tube, washed him, brushed his brother's hair, and made sure Moon was comfortable before he started on his daily chores. He grabbed a sponge and soap and began washing the stove, floors, fridge, and bedrooms, using cleaning as a distraction from his worries.

Despite the physical and emotional exhaustion, Sun remained diligent in his duties, determined to provide the best care possible for his brother.

Sun's attention was drawn to a sudden knock on the door. He made his way to the entrance and opened it to find Bloodmoon standing there, holding a jar in his hand. The corners of Bloodmoon's lips curled up into a smile as he extended the jar towards Sun.

"Here's a little something for you, my friend!" Bloodmoon exclaimed, his voice filled with excitement.

Sun stared in awe at the jar that Bloodmoon had just given him. The color was a deep shade of red, almost like the blood of a ripe pomegranate. Sun examined its surface, watching as the light reflected off the glass in a captivating manner. The jar's beauty was undeniable, and Sun couldn't help but appreciate it. He turned to Bloodmoon with a grateful smile.

"Wow, it's even more beautiful up close," Sun exclaimed, his voice filled with awe and appreciation. "Thank you so much for this lovely gift. I'm going to put it on the fridge so I can admire it every day."

Sun heard a groan. He spun around and saw his brother, Moon, sitting up and staring at them with red eyes. "Moon?" Sun gasped.

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