the past

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Sun worked as a daycare attendant and was getting ready for his day by putting on his costume. As he was getting dressed, Moon came up to him with a smile and playfully bumped into him. "Hey bro, you're going to do great!" Moon teased, before putting on his nightcap and heading towards the doorway. "See you on stage, bro!" he cheerfully said. Sun chuckled softly at his brother's enthusiasm and watched him exit the room.

As Sun prepared to leave the dressing room, he exchanged a friendly goodbye with Moon, flashing a warm smile and uttering the words "See ya on stage". After Moon left, Sun turned his attention to the mirror, admiring his golden locks that were shining with the rays of the sun. He carefully clipped his hair to give it a neat and stylish look, the soft curls resembling the beautiful solar flares that often grace the sky. Satisfied with his appearance, Sun grabbed his art book and pens, tucking them under his arm before quickly running out of the small dressing room, eager to begin his day.

As Sun made its way into the daycare, he couldn't help but smile at the bright, colorful lights emanating from inside. As he approached, Sun could see that the daycare was a large room with various play structures, including slides, tunnels, and huge playhouses built on platforms. The room was filled with vibrant colors on the sunny side, creating an energetic and lively atmosphere, he looked over at his brother's side of the daycare - the moon's side - it had a softer and more calming ambiance.

he smiled and started work, he walked to the front desk to let the kids in as parents dropped them off, Sun didn't see the child's red eyes when he let them into the daycare, he should've paid more attention, he stood up and played tag with the kids, crawling through tunnels and slides to tag the kids, he even got Moon to play, the day was just like every other day it seemed, Sun got everyone for nighttime after hours of play, he tucked in Sammie "I don't wanna sleep!" She whines to Sun, Sun pats her head, and smiles "The sooner you take a nap, the sooner you can get back to playing!" Sun assured the girl, standing up to turn off the lights, he sat on the desk chair as Moon took over, singing a soft lullaby for the children.

"Sleep, little one, and let the moonlight guide youLet the music soothe and ease your mindSleep, little one, and watch the stars alignRest now in the gentle hands of timeSleep, little one, rest now in the skyAs the stars shine gently from aboveLet the lullaby embrace you and let you feel the wonder of lifeAs the moon rocks to the tune of love"

Moon sang like an angel, Sun smiled at his brother, he wished he was as good as Moon was at singing, one by one the children fell asleep, snoring away, Moon walked over to Sun "They behaved better today heh" Moon joked, Sun rolled his eyes "they always behave!" Sun jokingly defended the sleeping kids, he turned around to grab some fizzyfaz for himself and Moon, handing Moon the blue flavor, Sun took a sip from the yellow flavor, the sweet and tangly was heaven on his dehydrated tongue, Moon drank his soft drink with a soft smile "thanks bro," Moon said in a soft voice "I don't know what I would do without ya" Sun beamed at his brother's words "heh! You're welcome, Moon!" Today was perfect, just like any other day, Sun was going to get washed up when he heard a scream- Sun spun around and saw another moon attacking the other kids, Sun knew it was a doppelganger, he ran towards it to stop it, the real Moon was already there and trying to keep it from hurting anyone else, sun yelled out to the children "get out of the daycare! Sammie go get a security guard!" Sun shooed out the kids for their safety.

In a flash, Sammie bolted towards the nearest person, screaming at the top of their lungs, "There's a doppelganger at the daycare, we need a guard fast!"

Sun turned around and saw Moon almost dead, the doppelganger was standing above his brother's body like a zombie, Sun's eye twitched, and ran at the doppelganger, punching out her teeth before using one of his golden rays clips as a knife, stabbing the doppelganger until it stopped moving, blood staining his work outfit and golden clip, he looks at his brother and picked the worryingly light body up.

Sun's heart raced as he bolted out of the daycare. The guards ran past him in a blur as he clung to Moon, who was then taken from his arms by the nurse and her team. Sun's mind was in a frenzy as he jumped into the ambulance, his breaths coming in quick gasps. Blood stained his clothes, and he desperately wiped it off with tissues, all while trying to distract himself from the overwhelming panic that had taken over him.

The scene at the hospital was grim as Sun arrived with Moon, whose vitals were closely monitored. Moon's voice was barely audible as he spoke to Sun, his eyes red and weak. "I'll be okay, Sun," he croaked out before losing consciousness again. Sun's heart sank as he watched his brother slip away. He quickly reached out and grabbed Moon's hand, holding onto it tightly, hoping that his touch would bring some comfort to his fading sibling.


Sun couldn't believe his eyes when he saw his brother Moon awake. He ran up to him and embraced him tightly, shouting in excitement, "Moon! You're awake! You're really awake! Oh, I'm so happy!"

Moon was overwhelmed by Sun's enthusiasm and murmured softly, "How long was I asleep?" His voice sounded distant, but his smile was radiant as he hugged Sun back."Not that long," Sun replied, trying to hide the fact that it had been much longer than he wanted to admit. He was just so happy to see Moon awake and talking to him.

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