Trouble in Paradise

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i've been super stressed and i just recently got injured but nevermind that!! enjoy!!

Felix woke up just like every other day. Getting ready in the same way and heading to school in the same way. Except, this morning he got a text from Mark asking to call before he got to school. So Felix did exactly that.

"Hey Mark! How are you mate?" Felix spoke is english.

"I'm good! It's so good to hear your voice again Felix," Mark said, "Hey man I just wanted to let you know. There's a lot of accusations going around town lately. Most of them have to do with you leaving."

Felix's face scrunched, "That's ok. Let them talk, it's probably my parents doing anyways."

"Alright, I just wanted to let you know before someone else got to you. I miss you! Dance class has been boring without you." Mark whined.

"Oh don't be dramatic," Felix's school was in sight now, "I'm sure you're all doing fine without me."

"Nooooo!! How could we ever live without you Felix! You should just come back! I'll protect you from your wicked parents!" Mark proclaimed enthusiastically.

"Haha, very funny. Sorry mate, I'll be staying in Korea for a little while. I'll talk to my parents.. eventually. Alright, well I'll speak with you later, I'm literally infront of my class." Felix said.

While standing in front of the door, somebody tapped him on the shoulder. When he turned around Hyunjin and I.N. were both standing there giving small waves. Felix waved back and put up a finger, telling them to wait a second.

"Alright mate, have a good day! Make good grades! Make me proud!" Mark joked.

"Alright Dad," Felix rolled his eyes, "Bye Mark."

"Bye Felix!"

Felix hung up and turned to the two waiting for him.

"Good morning!" Felix said with a bright smile.

"Morning Felix!" I.N. said, smiling back.

"Morning." Hyunjin yawned.

"Don't mind him. I dragged him here early today! I know he's normally late but not today!" I.N. rolled his eyes.

"It's too early. I didn't even get my coffee." Hyunjin grumbled with a pout.

"I have an energy drink in my bag if you want it!" Felix offered.

"Are you sure? He'll be fine, you don't have to do that. He's probably being dramatic anyways." I.N. quickly rambled, giving Hyunjin a look.

"I'm very sure! I don't need much energy anyways, I already have a lot. Take it!" Felix pulled the drink out of his bag and handed it to Hyunjin.

"Thanks Felix." Hyunjin ruffled Felix's hair and opened the drink.

After a few minutes of chatting (mostly Hyunjin and I.N. teasing Felix) I.N. realized it was almost time for class so he scooted off with a wave. Felix and Hyunjin both headed into class together, saying good morning to Ms. Ryujin, and going to stretch.

"So.. who were you on the phone with when we got here?" Hyunjin asked curiously while stretching.

"Oh, just Mark. He's one of my mates from Australia. He's been checking in with me ever since I got here. Why?"

"No reason. What were you talking to him about?" Hyunjin tilted his head to the side.

"Nothing much. Just about some stuff back home. Speaking of back home, when am I going to meet the other aussie? Chan?"

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