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I am picking Bella up from her therapy appointment. She walks out of the building with a smile on her face. Must have been a good session today if I had to take a guess. She sees me by the truck, and she walks over to get into the truck. I opened the door for her to let her in.

"Hey Bells, how was your session today?" I asked her.

"It's great, actually. There's significant progress being made by the doctor and me." Bella said.

"That's amazing, Bells." I told her.

"These sessions have been incredibly helpful and I'm feeling great. There's more to it than just everything that has happened. But my self-perception is also important to consider." Bella said.

"Excellent babe." I told her. "Would you be up to taking a walk-through West Ave Park today?" I asked her.

"Sure, why not. Sounds like fun, Jack." Bella said.

"Perfect, and on the way back to the truck we can stop on Ennis St. and go to Sweet Heavens and grab some of the best ice cream in the city." I told her.

"The best in the city. Then we must go." Bella said. I laughed.

"Well, to me, it is the best in the city. It is one of my favorite places to go." I told her. She laughed a little.

"Well, should we start our walk then, Jack?" Bella asked.

"Yes, let's go my lady." I said. She smiled and shook her head.

They walked to the West Ave Park to about 10-Minutes and about 2-hours and 30-minutes to walk-through the entire park and all its paths. We were having fun. We talked about anything that came to mind. Like the weather, news, court stuff and sports. She knows I am still a RAMS fan; she wants to learn about football. She asked me to teach her. This will be fun. Once we got to Sweet Heaven, I ordered ice cream and ironically we both love cookies & cream mixed with cookie dough. This girl and I have so much is common. It's insane. It was weird when she told the lady the same order as mine. This girl has to be the one for me.

While we were walking in the park, I saw this older lady walking her dog. But she kept staring at us. I have never seen her before. She kept following us once she saw us. She is probably around my mother's age, 40-50's with black hair. But other than that, I am clueless. We seemed to lose her at the park, so I thought nothing of it. But when she showed up at Sweet Heavens, I knew that something was wrong. She was after something.


Today has been a wonderful day. Counseling was amazing. My session went better than they have been going since I started going. I am making excellent progress. Jack and I walked to the West Ave Park and then to Sweet Heavens on Ennis St. Which is his favorite ice cream place. He was right. It is the best in the city.

When we were walking in the park, I swear I saw someone who looked familiar. She almost looked like David's mother. She and I never got along. I tried to tell her what David was like before and she wouldn't believe me.

The women confronted Jack and me after we left Sweet Heavens. I was spot on with my assumption; it was Selina.

"Selina, what do you want?" I asked.

"You bitch! You ruined my son's life with your lies!" Selina said.

"Selina, what are you talking about?" I asked her.

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