Chapter Seven

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Cody finally fucking did it. He beat Roman Reigns for the Undisputed WWE Championship. He was surrounded by love from everyone, Rhea even running to hug him when the cameras went off.

Roman on the other hand felt like his world was crumbling. Watching Seth go out there and attempt to even help Cody broke him, which caused him to hit Seth with the chair. He didn't want to but god he was pissed and didn't know how to handle his emotions. Giving Paul a long hug after he walked up the ramp, Roman headed off to his locker room.

"Get out." Roman told Solo and Jimmy sternly, who had already showed up after the match ended. They could tell someone was completely off and silently left, flinching as the door shut and items were thrown.

Romans world was crashing down right before him and he couldn't even do anything about it. His title was taken from him and Seth betrayed his promise. Suddenly a knock was on his door, making him slowly walk over and open it.


"I don't want to hear it Seth."

"Ro please-" Seth was cut off as he was shoved and the door was shut in his face, Rhea catching the whole thing. She walked over to Seth and gently caressed his shoulder, the tears breaking from his eyes almost instantly.

He knew he made a promise, he just didn't know the consequences. He promised Roman he wouldn't show up, yet he did. And he used the one thing Roman hated against him, the shield.

"Seth..look I heard the whole thing, I promise it'll be fi-"

"It won't be fine. I made a promise to him and..I broke it" he confessed through tears, bringing his knees to his chest. He suddenly froze when he heard a loud bang from inside Romans locker room.

Jumping quick to his feet, he ran to the door and banged on it. Rhea followed behind him, attempting to get the door open. Nobody knows what the noise could've been and lord they didn't want to know. Jey heard the commotion and rushed over, banging on the door.

"UCE! OPEN THIS DAMN DOOR" he choked out, getting slightly frustrated and emotional. Finally Damian ran over with some pliers, prying the door open.

Seth's heart sank, seeing Roman so emotionally distraught on the floor. He was a crying mess, things all over the room as he sat there bawling. After everything he worked for and built.. it was taken from him in a split second. Rhea was the first person to walk over to him, checking his figure for any cuts or bruises.

"Ro..c'mon let's get you to the room ok?" Rhea spoke softly, reaching to grab his phone. She saw 15 missed calls from none other than Jon Moxley. Rhea didn't say anything as she stood up, grabbing Roman's hand to help him stand. Roman stood there quietly as he held onto Rhea, limping his way out of the locker room.

. . . .

"Roman I understand that but please.. You have to talk to him at some point" Rhea told Roman, patching up a small cut on his leg caused by him throwing glass at the wall. "I know really hurt me" Roman stammered out through tears starting to form. Rhea shushed him and gently wiped his eyes which made him smile.

He sighed and leaned back against the pillows, feeling himself grow tired. Rhea pressed a soft kiss on Romans forehead, "Get some rest Ro. Call Mox in the morning and please talk to Seth. I'll see you tomorrow." Rhea told him as she stood up off the bed, smiling at him one last time before walking out his door.

Reality finally set in for Roman. He was alone. No Seth, no Jey, hell not even Dean. He lost his title and lost himself in the process, but he was happy for Cody deep down. He rolled over and grabbed his phone, deciding to call Dean. He answered almost immediately, just wanting to hear Roman's voice.

"Hey RoRo you ok man? Look I saw the whole thing and -"

"It's fine..Dede it's really fine." there was a small pause.

"Dean..please just tell me I still have you."

This broke Dean. Completely shattered his heart. Roman felt so alone in this moment and all he needed was him.

"Yes still have me and always will." he spoke, trying not to break down into tears. Roman smiled to himself hearing these words, he just wanted to hug him.

"Look um.. whenever you're free, can we go out? Like a date?" Roman asked, relaxing against the covers of the bed.

"Of course Ro, I'll text you" Dean responded. It was like Roman could hear him smiling.

They continued a small conversation before Roman hung up, turning to his side to switch the light off. It'll all get better.

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