Chapter 1

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Shen Qingqiu always thought that he'd be willing to do anything if it meant he was able to live. Now... he wasn't so sure. If he didn't push Luo Binghe into the abyss when the time came, he'd die. If he did push him into the abyss, the white lotus he knew would disappear forever and would hate him irrevocably.

He sighed. Luo Binghe was like his child. Shen Qingqiu watched him grow from a feeble adolescent all the way into a domineering demon that ruled over all of the three worlds. While the novel was shitty, he really wished Luo Binghe a good life. Now that he had raised him firsthand, it hurt him even more thinking that he had to hurt him. 

"Shizun, what's wrong?" the small boy next to him asked, shaking him out of it and dispelling his thoughts. The elegant man rapped his fan on the youth's head lightly. 

"Shouldn't you be at your lessons? What are you doing back here?" Shen Qingqiu questioned. 

He tilted his head slightly and told him, "This one's lessons are over already. Did shizun not realize it's the end of the day?" As he said this he placed a tray of hot tea on the table before him. 

"Your shizun was just lost in thought. Nothing that Binghe needs to worry about," he replied without missing a beat. After the boy poured the tea Shen Qingqiu carefully picked it up and took a sip. Of course he needn't worry right now. The Immortal Alliance Conference was years away. He had plenty of time. 


So maybe he forgot about the Immortal Alliance Conference.... The event was now only a week away and he still didn't know whether or not he'd choose his own life over his disciple's. He looked over to the young man. Binghe had grown considerably. He was no longer a weak little boy and was now an upstanding young man.

"Binghe... Would you sacrifice your life if it meant saving someone dear to you?" he asked him. 

Without hesitation Luo Binghe replied, "Of course, shizun! I'd do anything to keep shizun safe!" Once again, Shen Qingqiu rapped his fan on the boy's head. 

"So am I to assume that you think this master is so weak that he needs his disciple to protect him?" Shen Qingqiu joked. Luo Binghe stuttered trying to correct himself. Even though his face was as placid as ever, he was laughing inside. Of course, he knew the answer now. He knew what he had to do. 


"Shizun, I'm sorry I never told you! This disciple never meant to deceive shizun!" Luo Binghe yelled over the roaring flames of the abyss. Shen Qingqiu was pointing his sword at his disciple. The system was currently counting down loudly. The beeps of the timer scratched against his ears like nails on a chalkboard. 

"Shizun said that demons could also be good or bad! Was shizun lying when he told me this?" The man refused to answer as he walked closer to his disciple, forcing him to back closer to the large crack in the ground in order to avoid being speared by his sword. 

"This shizun of yours has one last question for Binghe," he paused. "Would you still be willing to do anything to protect this shizun of yours? Even if I were to push you off of this edge?" 

Love Conquers All, Even The Need to Survive [SVSSS]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora