Chapter 4

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Allison rested her head against the rattling window of the bus. She could feel It creak and shift as it turned corners. She let her mind wander. The conversation the night before lingered in her mind. White studying that Saturday, Caitlin had checked in. It was brief, made up of a few short pleasantries. However, Caitlin had made a comment saying that she wasn't well. In her words "Not 100%." Allison decided to text first that morning.

"Morning," She wrote.

"Good morning!" answered Caitlin

"How are you?"

"Mentally, emotionally, or physically?"

"Uh. A little bit of all?

"Mentally: Tired. Emotionally: Doing good. Physically: a little worse for wear."

"That sucks, feeling tired too. Do you think you're getting sick?"

"Hopefully not, it would be bad luck to be sick at the beginning of finals week." A frowny face sat at the end of the message.

"Fingers crossed." Answered Allison.

The day had meshed together a new pattern of stress. What to expect, when a project is due, and how heavy the grade will be.

She sat at the lunch table, and a dry burger sat on her tray. Each bite left her mouth as arid as a desert. She listened as Hailey was recounting the tale of how she and her party took down a boss in the game she was playing. Allison couldn't help but notice every once and a while, Caitlin would check over her shoulder. She'd scan the room, nod her head absentmindedly at the conversation, then return her attention.

"Everything alright?" asked Allison.

"Hm? Oh, yeah I'm good." Answered Caitlin. She didn't trust it, but she did not comment. After Hailey was done recounting her story the topic shifted to finals.

"I think I got everything down," exclaimed Caitlin proudly Hailey and Allison weren't worried about her. She was a straight-A student, something they had both questioned how she was able to keep up while balancing her interests.

"Oh, I have a question about one of the things we did on the math study guide," said Allison.

"Which section?" answered Caitlin.

"Section 3."

Caitlin lifted her backpack onto the space next to her and shuffled through it. From Allison's perspective, she could see the flaky dark leather of the book. Judging from Hailey's cautious expression, she had spotted it too.

"Oh, you carry that around all day? Isn't it heavy?" queried Hailey

She didn't look up as she responded. "Yeah, but it just doesn't feel right to leave it."

She pulled out a paper with a dramatic flourish, "Found it!"

Caitlin's explanation had made Allison's head hurt. Numbers moved from one place to another, changing without reason. Suddenly new numbers were introduced to replace old ones. She had appreciated the help, but it felt like nonsense to her, it didn't click. She felt the need to escape. She glanced at the clock. 15 more minutes

"Thanks for the help! I think I understand it better." She said as she stuffed her notebook paper in her backpack. Caitlin raised an eyebrow

"Ok then..."

"We have some time to kill, want to just, walk around? Or something."

"Uh sure." replied Hailey, "I've got a library book I need to give back."

They decided to go to the library first, traversing the sparsely populated hallways.

Hailey opened the door before quickly backing away.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16 ⏰

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