Me, im just Lola

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It's been five years since that accident I'm now 15. My mum is still in a coma as she has yet to wake up, if ever.
I have been placed into temporary foster care until mum wakes up and is healthy enough to support us both.
I have been placed in several homes none of which I have stayed in because well nobody understands me. They talk like I'm dumb not deaf. They speak very very very.................s l o w l y, and over exaggerate every word it looks like someone is shouting in very slow motion. Even when I say you can talk normally I will read your lips they seem to speak even slower!
In two days I am to be moved again but thankfully to a couple who can't have children, but the woman is hearing and the husband is dead they both are very fluent in sign language... Yippe because I love signing it's a part of who I am ... Lola, not deaf Lola. I'm just Lola but I have ears.. That don't work. I don't mind being deaf it makes me unique and what people don't expect from me is I'm not quiet, shy, bullied nor am I a complete angel. I can be quite out spoken and.. Well a bit rebellious, maybe a lot we will have to find out
***sorry I haven't updated in ages please vote and comment, give me constructive criticism*****

I can't hear you?Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ