Am I Allowed To Cry?

27 3 12

Verse #1

I keep my own trash can under the bed

Filled with the tissues into which I've wept

Stifled any feelings of discontent

Having them at all fills me with regret

I'm not supposed to feel this way

Every time I see your face my heart shouldn't break

But I just can't help it

Whenever you catch me crying

I lie and say

It's just past memories

Pre Chorus:

You tell me my tears shine like crystals

I pretend you're not the reason their there


You wipe the tears of my face

Use them as stars in the sky

Whisper to me and say that it'll all be alright

I don't care about getting better

Just want bury myself in the covers

I want to let the happiness die

Envelop myself in sadness

Am I allowed to cry?

Verse #2:

I'll keep pretending I'm happy

You'll act like you don't know it's a lie

I'll spend the day with a straight face

You'll claim you're deaf in the night

When I hear you snoring

I'll turn on the light and write

Write about the feelings that are rightfully mine

Pray that this journal isn't something you'll find

Pre Chorus:

This pain has been going on

For such a long time

You brush away my tears

Tell me that everything's fine


You wipe the tears of my face

Use them as stars in the sky

Whisper to me and say that it'll all be alright

I don't care about getting better

Just want bury myself in the cover

I want to let the happiness die

Envelop myself in sadness

Am I allowed to cry?


You turn my pain into something beautiful

And for a while that's what I wanted

Now I just want to experience it raw and truthful

But you won't ever let me

You say it's okay

That everything's fine

Can't seem to understand

I need this sadness in my life

Don't want to push it away or let it hide

I want to feel as tears fill my eyes

Do you want me to be ashamed?

Not let you see me this way?

I don't want you to fix it

It's acceptance that I crave

You don't have to fix me

Let me be sad

No need to interfere

Just stay by my side


Loving someone is accepting their best and their worst

It feels like you only want me when the happiness is here

It's like you think my sadness should just


I just want you to let me cry

Let me cry

I just want you to let me cry

Am I allowed to cry?


I interpreted this in 2 ways. 1) The Tortured Poet, who uses their sadness as inspiration for their art, and the idea you have to be sad to make art but not too sad. 2) A relationship where one of the people just tries to brush away the other persons's sadness, trying to fix it instead of accepting it. 

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