Phase 2

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        Soooo, where should I start? Ok, everything was lovely at first, Rayshawn and I moved fast af! The  sex was so fucking explosive that we couldn't focus on anything, except that.  Everyday we went to school, we were having sex in the gym, in empty classrooms, or in the field behind the school.  We would skip classes just to have sex. Of course, soon enough I became pregnant. 
          I was afraid to tell my parents so I thought of a way for them to find out.  I cooked up an excuse for them to take me the hospital, told them I was having chest pains. We get to the ER and mom was in the exam room with me. The doctor did a pelvic exam and came up with this funny look on his face. He asked was there any way I could be pregnant, of course, I denied. I guess he could tell by the look on my face that I was afraid to tell the truth, so he asked my mom to step out of the room. Once she left, he sat on the bed and said,  "now, how far along do you think you are"? I replied, "I'm not sure, but not that far".  He then said that he can see that I'm afraid to tell my parents so he asked me if I would like for him to tell them once he got the results back, and of course, I did.
          He got the results back and I was definitely pregnant. He called my mom in and gave her the news, as expected, she went the fuck off! On the ride home, my dad was silent, but my mom, ohhh that bitch just wouldn't shut the fuck up! My mom and I never really got along because she resented me for ruining her life, as if I asked her to fukn have me at 15. And now, here I am, 15 and pregnant just like her. However, I refuse to treat my baby like I was treated!
          I was so excited that I tuned all that bullshit out that she was talking. Only thing going through my head, was getting home to call and tell Rayshawn that we were having a baby in 6 months.  I was so fukn excited. I was thinking how beautiful our baby was gonna be, how much we would love our baby and how we were going to be a family now. This baby was the icing on the cake and I was already thinking of baby names in my head! I just knew the father of my child was gonna be so thrilled!                     Things didn't go quite that way!
         As soon as we walked through the door my dad went fucking nuts! He called me all kinds of whores, every vile name you can think of.  Said I was a disgrace and he would not let that slide! He said I would not bring a bastard baby into his home! I cringed and cried as I thought, I know they're not gonna make me have an abortion because I was already in love with this baby, due to the mere fact that it was Rayshawn's , whom I was deeply and madly in love with! I said , " I'm not giving my baby up, the father and I will take care of it ourselves"! My father slapped the whole fuck outta me and called me a dumb trash whore! I don't know what hurt the most, the slap or the insult! He asked me who was the father and crying with blood running from my mouth, I couldn't speak, so I just showed him the picture in my yearbook! He and my mother both exploded!
"You little bitch, this is who you let ruin your fucking life?  You let this sorry piece of shit take everything from you that we were trying to give you, you trashy bitch"! I told them that I loved Rayshawn and that was the biggest mistake of my life! 
          My father went into  a rage! He went into the closet screaming, "I'm gonna fix this shyt tonight"! As he starting throwing my clothes all around the room, in my head , I'm thinking, ok, they're throwing me out of the house, but no, instead, he came outta the closet and threw me down on the bed and what happened next was horrific! So horrific that I passed out, once I woke up, all I could feel was excruciating pain! I tried to get up , but I couldn't because I was in so much pain. I looked down and noticed that I was naked from the waist down and my entire bed was drenched in blood, my blood. It was then that I remembered what happened! At that moment all I could do was let out a scream , in hopes that someone would hear my cry!

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