𝖠𝖢𝖳 I|Chapter one: The brunette

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When he waked up he didn't knew where he was, who was he again? He didn't remembered at all.

He sat on the bed, he realized that he was on a big white room with weird machines, he didn't like it.

He noticed that he wasn't alone, there was a weird ugly woman who was wearing everything white, she could almost hide in that white room, at her site it was a tall old man who was wearing a suit, he was smoking a cigarette

-Sir, A-5158 is awake, he did it!- said one weird ugly woman.

-I see, prepare him to move to his new room, room 25- said the tall old man.

The woman seemed to panic with the mention of the room.

-B-But S-Sir isn't that-

-Room 25. Do you hear me?

She nodded with her head as she gulped nervously.

Her expression quickly changed when she looked at the little boy, she looked angry, disgusted and scared.

She was scared of him like he was some type of monster.

-not you boy, they are afraid me

The little boy looked everywhere looking for the owner of that voice, he didn't find any soul otherwise the weird ugly woman and the tall old man.

-Hurry up you little devil!- said the weird ugly woman grabbing his wrist.

she pulled him through a large hallway, he didn't like it, his body hurt and she was only making it worse.

They stopped on a door, a white door with a lot of scratches and knocks, the door was dented from the inside out, indicating that whatever was inside spared no attempt to get out, the little boy also noticed a sign hanging on the door saying "room 25, DO NOT ENTER IF YOU VALUE YOUR LIFE"

The little boy gulped scared when the woman opened the door, she threw him into the room and closed the door again immediately.

When the little boy gathered the courage to look inside the room he saw...paintings?

A lot of colorful red paintings not only on papers or canvas but also on the walls, it was all so beautiful.

The little boy looked at a brunette girl who seemed to finish her new painting, a red apple.

And then she looked at him, and oh...it was actually a boy.

He had a very long curly brunette hair, his eyes were very reddish-brown void but so beautiful, he was wearing a hospital clothes like the little boy.

The little boy wanted to talk to the brunette but he suddenly became nervous, the brunette seemed to analyze him.

-Uuuuh...hi? Who are you?

The brunette looked at him as he was asking the same question.

-I don't know, I just woke up and there it was that ugly weird woman and this tall old man!

The brunette snorted a laugh as he took one paper and started to write on it.

-Whatever your writing it doesn't matter, I can't read- said the little boy.

That made the brunette boy stop smiling and give the little boy a pout as he pointed at his mouth.

-You can't talk?

The brunette nodded sadly.

-Then I will find a way of communicating with you, but for a while I will call you...

He looked around the room, seeing the red paintings except for one, a painting of a brown cat, he smiled maliciously.

-...Kitten!!! I will call you Kitten while you can't tell me your name!

The brune- Kitten blushed looking at the little boy shocked.


Kitten just shakes his head and then points to the little boy.

-My name?...well I don't know what name I choose...

Kitten took one paper smiling and started to drawn a Chibi dog.

-EH???? IM NOT A DOG!!!!

Kitten furrowed his eyebrows and pointed to the Chibi dog insistently, like he was saying something else.

-I guess he is saying that you're a Chibi, he is not wrong tho.

The little boy trembled as he heard the voice again, he was so surprised that forgot that he was angry.

-Okay...You can call me Chibi while we don't know my name...but only until we don't find out.

Kitten jumped up and down of joy, which warmed Chibi's heart.

-Anyway, what do you do for fun here? - asked Chibi.

Kitten smiled maliciously as he grabs Chibi's wrist, and pulled him closer to his messy desk.

-Pretty drawings but what it matters?

The brunette snorted pointing to the drawings.

-You want me to choose one?

The brunette nodded, Chibi immediately picked a drawing of a red bird.

Kitten smirked and touched the paper, the drawing started to glow and move.

-W-What is...?

The drawing got off the paper and started to chirp , he flew and landed him Chibi's head

-W-WAH TAKE IT OFF- said Chibi shaking his head.

Kitten just laughed at his new friend reaction, before helping him by whistling to the bird, the bird immediately get out from Chibi's head and landed on Kitten's shoulder.

-That was cool and all but never let this thing next to me again!!!

Kitten smirked at him and looked at the red bird, the bird looked offended and attacked Chibi.

And Kitten? He just watched it happening while laughing so hard at the point to start to hold his stomach.


On the security camera room, a blonde boy watched the interaction with a smile.

-This is going to be an interesting duo.

fun fact: when Dazai felt so lonely on the lab that he draw a cat to be his friend, that's why Chuuya saw a cat.

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⏰ Last updated: May 16 ⏰

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