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LEENA HAD THOUGHT SHE HAD KEPT HER COOL PRETTY WELL. That was until she started the walk to towards the Big House.

It was on this stroll, she had been able to take in the sights of camp in the morning light. In a fully conscious state (although she still wasn't entirely convinced she wasn't dreaming) she was able to appreciate the glory of the place. Her and Will walked through the cabins to get to the main camp building, the medic explaining the general lay out to her with each step.

If she was honest with herself, she wasn't really retaining much of what he was saying. There was far too much going on for her to focus on any one thing. Although was able to guess a few of the cabins. She assumed the one with greens surrounding it walls - and its roof - probably belonged to Mother of Agriculture, Demeter herself. She also thought it was likely that the gorgeously well kept pink one with even more gorgeous models suntanning on the porch probably had something to do with the Goddess of Love and Beauty.

She had these theories confirmed by Will, who had nodded approvingly.

She smiled to herself, her mum filling the house with Ancient Greek literature finally came in handy.

Her smile fell, her feet stopped right at the bottom of the Big House Steps, guilt wracking through her body. Her Mom! How had she not thought of her! She scolded herself, knowing that her mother probably hasn't been able to think of anything since.

Her mind played images of her mum waiting outside of the gas station for her to finish her shift. She thought about her in their apartment, her head in her hands. It made her want to throw up.

This is what lead to her current state of Will fanning gusts on wind with a hand fan next to her, as she hyperventilated into a paper bag. It was like a scene from a cartoon, if she hadn't been the one having the breakdown, Leena probably would have found the situation comical.

Honestly the half man half horse wearing a My Little Pony pink tee standing in front of her was the embodiment of comedy.

'I understand that has all happened very fast, I apologise.' Chiron, the centaur, told her kindly. 'Rest assured your mother was notified the moment you entered Camp, she knows you are okay.'

Leena sighed, removing the paper bag.

'Thank you, but you don't know my mother... she knows I would never do anything without telling her,' Leena said, touching Wills arm to let him know she could stop fanning, to which he tried to hide his relief (unsuccessfully). 'Besides she won't believe whatever story you told her, she's weirdly good at spotting a lie...'

'Lucky we didn't lie then.' Will tried for a reassuring smile, which was combated with a wince from Chiron.

Leena looked between the two of them, Wills face growing flush as if he had let out something he shouldn't have.

'Uh-I.. I mean... we didn't have to lie?' Will stumbled over his words. 'Not that we should have! But we didn't... like you said she already knew this stuff anyway! And...'

He trailed off, noticing Chirons grimace deepening as he rambled.

'I'll stop talking!' Will squeaked. 'And I might go the infirmary calls and... stuff.'

Leena went to protest but before she could, Will had wrapped her in a swift hug, whispered a quiet 'I'm sorry' and slipped out the front door. Leaving just Leena, and Twilight Sparkle in the room.

STARS OATH, leo valdez ¹Where stories live. Discover now