Demon shadow goat man

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Some people just love to watch the world burn. I am one of them. It just so happens, that Frank is too. I catch him smiling as he fills the deep fryer basket with ice cubes. I just got here, my shift starts in ten minutes. Frank already told the daytime staff to clear it, the only people in the diner are me, Frank, and and unwelcome customer.

Sheriff Dan made us all come into the station earlier. We all gave the same story. Despite this, sheriff Dan has made his way back in here to get a good look around the diner about an hour ago. The problem is, he won't leave. If he's not gone by midnight we're going to have another Dave-like problem.

We called Ted about the situation a few minutes ago and we're instructed to do "whatever it takes" to get Dan out of here by midnight. I'm sure Ted is rushing over here at the speed of light as I speak, but for now me and Frank are in charge.

"Sheriff, I hate to interrupt your investigation, but we close in a few minutes and I have to ask you to leave." I say firmly. Dan looks up at me from his place on the floor. I don't know what he thinks he'll find as far as clues go under our dirty tables.

"Not until I'm satisfied that I've seen everything."

"What is there to see? It's a diner Dan, we got coffee, tables and pancakes."

"A man died Ivy. This diner was the last place he was seen. This place has something to do with it, and everyone keeps fighting the investigation I'm going to start thinking you guys have something to hide."

"You need to leave, come back with a warrant." He ignores me and keeps showering the ground.

Thats it, I asked nicely. I look through the doors and into the kitchen. Frank is staring at me expectantly. I give him a nod and he drops the baskets of ice into the hot oil. A huge cloud of steam bursts up and a loud sizzling ensues.

"Problem! Theres something wrong with the deep fryer!" Shouts Frank. I rush to open the kitchen doors revealing the overflow of hot oil onto the floor. It's everywhere and Frank has pulled himself onto the food prep counter to avoid burning his feet.

"Listen Dan, this an emergency equipment malfunction. A safety hazard. The diner is closed no one is here to watch the front and you need to leave." Dan opens his mouth to protest but closes it as Frank starts shouting for help again.

"I'll be back." Sheriff Dan tips his hat and walks out the front.

"What the fuck?" Asks Ted as he bursts through the back door. He slips a little on hot oil as he hangs up his coat.

"I got rid of the law." Says Frank happily. He grins and the motion makes his empty eye socket crinkle a little. I still can't stare directly at his face.

"Clean this up. Now." I shrug and Frank grabs a mop. Worth it.

Midnight hits and Joann walks through the door just in time. Like clockwork, Hilda appears in her booth. Jack Stauber songs play over the diner speakers. His music often plays here it really completes the eery ghostly atmosphere.

"Ted you son of a bitch!" Shouts Dave as he materializes in front of the register that Ted just so happens to be counting. Ted's face turns a ghostly white as he looks up. He's successfully been avoiding Dave until now.

"Dave, calm down let me explain." Ted hold his hands out and takes a step back.

"Fuck you! You shot me! I've been a loyal customer for the past five years and you just shot me!" Dave slams ghostly fists on the counter. Drops of translucent blood drip from the bullet hole in his forehead.

"Dave you saw things you weren't supposed to see. I didn't want to do that to you but the diner must be preserved and I couldn't risk you telling anyone. I don't know why, but the veil has been thinning."

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⏰ Last updated: May 13 ⏰

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