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When Rory handed me the file, I was not going to go through them until something caught my eye. The general, why did she look like,no way ,like Cyril.

My plans were on torturing Theandre but now I wanted to meet this general.When I saw her I felt as if I had found something I lost.

Now here I was , she was sitting on my lap.After five years, someone got to arouse me. I thought I was sick but no I am completely fine.I tighten my grip on her and she gives me the excuse me face.It is cute. She pushes me and arrest my target. I stop them waiting to see their next reaction.They say I can leave if  I want to but no I don't.
" Daddy! Daddy, someone wanted to bully me but mommy stopped her," Cyril comes  in.Yeah, I know you are wondering what he is doing here, it's because I love my son's company.
"Mommy! " He shouted looking at the general." Mommy, it's you."
Lola POV.
Now I am standing looking at the, underground king.And there comes the voice of the cute Cyril.He called me mommy Infront of his blood thirsty father.Did he know he is signing my death certificate.The king looks  at me and chuckles.On looking at the team members they are shocked.I am determined not to give the boy even a glance."Sir,we will be taking Mr Theandre."I say these and push the guy forward.Just as I was about to take my first step Cyril  hugged my knees."Mommy,please. Take me with you.Mommy ,did you forget I am turning five in weeks to come?"He asks me .If I continue standing here I am going to lose it.Why did the boy mention his birthday. Now I remember,the day I fear most is nearing,it reminds me of my long dead son.I continue with my steps since I don't want to break down before my men.I don't want them to see that sometimes I am a weak lady.
"Excuse me,but little fella I think you are confusing me with others." I say this and continue moving," Soldiers are you going just to stare all should we head back."I ask this reminding them they got a job to do.
The king is looking at me with an expression I don't know what it means."Daddy please,tell her to stay."I was now wondering what on earth was happening.I kneel down so that I could level with the kid." Look here kid, new mommy has got a big case to handle and you don't want her boss to get mad at her. Do you?"
"Mommy, daddy here can handle it.Come with me today and everything shall be handled by dad.Right dad?🥺"Cyril turned to his father. The father nodded.I know he can handle, he is one of the richest.The underground king look at Lola."Do it for the kid, his wish is to have a mother" I look at him and mumble to myself," why don't you just provide one?"Assuming he heard nothing."He hates everyone ,except the grandparents, also somehow he hates me." I looked at him, he was serious.

 General  , Destiny Tricked You.Where stories live. Discover now