Meeting Violet

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Chapter 2

Just as we were about to enter our school, I pasted my smile back on. That smile that fooled people everyday even my dad just this morning. He thinks I'd actually be happy to come here. Usually teenagers my age would hate school because .......................well its school who doesn't hate school, except the nerds that is. It's like a work and stress generating factory. But I hate school for another reason, a reason which haunts me till date. I looked over the parking lot where teachers and students where coming and parking their cars, some of them even chatting but that place is cursed for me, that's where it all happened.

I was suddenly pulled out of my thoughts by probably the most high pitched shriek of the human history. This non other then belonged to "Violet".

Meet Violet my best friend. Hmmmm what can I say about her, she's just everything like an all in one buffet. She's beautiful, funny and pretty smart for a seventeen year old to be honest. She was always there for me in my brightest days and especially in my darkest nights. She's the second person to actually know what happened that day along with Evan.

"Aghhhhhhh and just when I thought my day was turning out just great and she had to come and ruin it. Thank you God thank you". Even said irritated.

"Oh shut that fat trap of yours, I know you love seeing me" Violet winked.

"What's with everyone calling me fat today, come on I've been working out like crazy, See!' he pulled up his shirt to show his packs.

"Impressive" I said in a bored tone and Violet rolled her eyes.

"I know you ladies are drooling over them don't worry I don't mind if you touch them' he said while wiggling his eyebrows and pulled his shirt down.

This made us groan and Evan crackle.

"Let's just go please before we get late"

"With pleasure sister" and she linked our arms and started moving towards the school building.

"Oh yeah sure go ahead and ditch me, I have like no value around here" Evan said crossing his arms and looking away.

Now it was our turn to crackle and we gave each other the knowing look.

"oh come on you silly goof' and we linked our arms with him. Evan in the middle and me and violet on his sides

"I know you ladies couldn't resist me.... Hey ..... ouch ....... What was that for?"

"Hey don't look at me someone had to do it to shut him up" Violet said.

"Gee women keep your hands in place. Seriously Vicky what are your hands made of? Iron?"

'Wanna try out again so you can decide and for the hundredth time don't you dare call me by that god awful name again!"

"Guys stop fighting! School hasn't even started yet and you're already planning on cutting each other's throats open"

"Well she started it"

"I started it! You started it! With your corky comments"

"Hey I'm a guy I can't help it, it's natural"

"Whatever let's just go "Violet said clearly irritated

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