Stuck With You (part 1)

164 9 3

POV Layla

"Alright kids, gather round and shut up!" Miss Nowhere yelled as she strolled into the garage, causing the Spy Racers to jump in surprise.

It was a Saturday night and they'd all been hanging out at the garage after a training session earlier that day. Miss Nowhere had said she'd stop by for a meeting later on, but she had shown up an hour early. Typical.

Layla followed her friends as they made their way over to their boss, and took a seat on the couch. Tony sat down next to her, and their hands brushed as he did so, sending a tingling sensation up Layla's arm. Little things like that had been happening a lot lately when it came to Tony, and she didn't want to think about what it meant.

"I've got a lot of things to do tonight so I'll get right to it," Miss Nowhere started once the crew was all seated. "Our monthly report came in from the agency, and while they are pleased with your success on missions, they've expressed concerns about your, let's say, "extracurricular" activities."

"What does that even mean?" Echo asked, crossing her arms.

"Apparently the agency feels that this crew has been taking advantage of their resources. Using their credit card for non-mission related things, using their authority to get things you couldn't otherwise get, just to name a few."

"So...what? They're cutting us off?" Layla asked. If that was the truth, she'd be pissed. After all they'd done for the agency, the crew deserved some benefits.

"Not exactly," Miss Nowhere said. "More like...putting you on probation."

"Probation? That makes it sound like we're in jail!" Frostee protested.

"Yeah, what did we even do that's so bad?" Tony added. "I mean, sure, we've bought some expensive stuff for the garage, but nothing too crazy, right?"

"Let me run you through the list," Miss Nowhere replied, clearing her throat. "Frostee- apparently you purchased a premium subscription to Yoka that costs $100 a month? Why does a soft drink subscription even cost that much to begin with?"

"It's not just any soft drink- it's Yoka!" Frostee protested. "And it was part of the cure to the mind control, remember? So obviously it's valuable stuff."

"Yes, well, the agency doesn't agree," Miss Nowhere said. "They asked that you cancel the subscription, or at least switch it to a cheaper option."

"Fine, whatever," Frostee grumbled in response.

Layla almost had to hold back a laugh. Of all the things Frostee could've bought with the agency's money, of course he chose Yoka. She'd never really liked the drink, but Frostee had a crazy obsession with it.

"Cisco," Miss Nowhere continued. "It says here you bought your entire extended family tickets to Wrestlemania: The Beat-Down of the Century, and got the unlimited food package along with it? Did you even check the total price before you submitted that order?"

"Uhh, no..." Cisco replied, scratching his neck. "But come on! It's Wrestlemania, the agency should have some more appreciation for the art of fighting!"

"You know those shows are fake, right?" Miss Nowhere replied, raising an eyebrow.
She didn't wait for Cisco's response before turning to Echo.

"And Echo- I'm disappointed. I would've thought you would have more sense than to use the agency's budget and name for personal ventures," she said, shaking her head. "But I guess I can respect what you chose to spend it on. That gallery showing was pretty unethical. Maybe just give us a heads up next you go to protest something. The director almost had a heart attack dealing with that situation when he had no warning of what was happening."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16 ⏰

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