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Your alarm went off a few times before you actually decided to get up. You were honestly a little nervous to leave your bedroom given last night's events. The first time you heard him doing it was an honest mistake, but it was a mistake you chose to stick around and keep making until it reached peak mistake-ness and you learned something you definitely shouldn't know.

You looked at yourself one last time in the mirror before breaking the boundaries between your bedroom and the rest of the world.

You slink down the stairs and peer into the kitchen assessing the situation. It appears you weren't too late for breakfast, at least you had that going for you. You jump at the sudden annoyed voice filling the unusually quiet air. "Well, look who finally decides to join us" You ignored it. God, does your dad have to be a dick right now?

Wordlessly you take a seat at the table next to your older sister, unfortunately this seat was right across from Rick. You tried not to mind and focus on some much needed food, which you began to eat slowly to not choke yourself in case of any unwarranted memories. Eventually curiosity got the better of you and you looked up at him. He looked extremely tired, the bags under his eyes were accentuated by the lack of sleep that you knew the secret behind. While you were staring, he made eye contact with you which caused a slight recoil that everyone except for Rick missed.

You felt like you were being watched with more scrutiny now, which resulted in extra pressure on your psyche as you returned to your breakfast. This was killing you, you felt like you could literally explode at any moment. You found yourself incapable of eating, or doing anything really. Lifting your head to look at him again, you found his eyes focused on you with a mixture of suspicion and frustration. Immediately after, he excused himself from the dinner table.

For whatever reason, this struck you with fear stronger than anything you've felt before. Did he... he didn't know, could he know? The feelings shot straight to your stomach, making your throat fill with bile as you felt the need to throw up as soon as possible. You waited for a few moments before excusing yourself as well, hoping that it made your exit less suspicious than it already is. After putting away your dishes, you ran to the bathroom and locked the door.

How could he know? He sure looked like he knew. He can hop realities and do crazy space shit, maybe he had seen this happen before in another universe? Or maybe he has something that notified him whenever someone was being a snooping little pervert outside his room at night. What if he not only knew, but he knew about you-

Quick rasps on the door knocked you into your senses, but only for a moment once you recognized who was on the other side.

The sounds of his voice permeated easily through the door, as if he was pressed up against it.

"Can whoever's in there hurry the f-fuck up?"

Your heart dropped. What now? He's clearly here to yell at you for stalking him and you're held hostage in your own bathroom. You babbled nonsense before falling on the floor with a thud, your brain working overtime to find a way to get out of this.

"A-Are you having a fucking stroke in there, or are y-y-you doing this to fuck with me?"

Your breath quickened as you started hyperventilating in a full blown panic. You shuffled into the corner feeling lightheaded. If you were going to die, this would surely be the way it happened. Your vision began to darken before a green glow filled the room. You felt your body being dragged away from the corner roughly as he stood over you.

"Jesus kid w-what the fuck is wrong with you?"

You didn't know what to say, and even if you did you really didn't have that ability anymore. You watch his blurry face contort into a mixed emotion you can't place. The last thing you felt was being hoisted into his arms before everything went black.


Everything hurt, but you really didn't know why.

You felt around. Your touch was met with sheets, but they weren't yours. Pushing yourself up, your eyes adjusted as you realized where you were. You were in Rick's room, on his bed, still in your pajamas from this morning.

"H-Hey sleepyhead, you missed school"

Your head turned sharply towards the sarcastic voice which was unmistakable by now. Briefly glancing at the clock verified his statement. You sighed, swinging your legs over the bed and onto the bare floor and being careful to not step on the many bottles left on his floor. Being so smart, you assumed he could clean up a little; or at least make something to clean up for him. Rick seemed to get frustrated with your idle daydreaming and spoke up.

"A-Are you gonna keep staring at my shit or are you gonna get the f-fuck out?"

You hastened your pace and quickly stepped out of the room into the hallway. Without a word he rolled his eyes and shut the door, leaving you alone. Somehow you felt a bit empty, wishing that he at least said goodbye. You set your mixed feelings aside and went to your room to get dressed. This wasn't the first time you've skipped school, accidentally or not, so it wasn't really worth it trying to make it up.

You picked out some clothes and quickly changed, glancing at the mirror to see how you looked; however you noticed something strange. Your hair is normally a mess when you wake up, especially when you have panic attacks like that.

..So why was your hair combed?

You ran your fingers through your hair, gliding easily through the locks without knotting. Weird, you know you didn't do that this morning.

At this point, that was the least of your concerns. Your head hurt immensely and you needed a break. You trot downstairs into the living room to get some painkillers and watch whatever thing they had on TV at the time.

But as you sank into the cushions, you couldn't help but have a funny feeling while you absently played with your hair.

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