Ordinary Life

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There wasn't any way you could worm your way out of this one.

You sat with your head down, hoping that you didn't need to stay here any longer than you already were. Your (extremely furious) parents were currently speaking to not just one, but multiple teachers about your struggles in class. They didn't wanna come right out and say it, but what they really mean is that you're failing. Badly.

Your mother was currently negotiating with the faculty to find a solution to the problem that required the least amount of effort possible, because god forbid they actually tried to help you. It's not like you needed help anyways, your grades were fine... Well, until you started getting involved with Rick. It's starting to annoy you a bit how everything seems to be coming back to that subject.

Your dad looked around nonchalantly, in the type of way that meant he was about to say something stupid.

"Beth, I know this might not be what you want to hear; but why don't we just... Y'know.."

She sighed, non-verbally telling him to spit it out already.

"Well I mean, we could just.. Bribe them to ignore it again? I mean, we alread-"

Man, they really like to pretend you aren't sitting right there. Regardless, your mom instantly cut him off.

"I swear to fucking god, Jerry; two of our kids are already holding onto their high-school education by a thread and I am NOT letting another one go down that path."

Dad rolls his eyes and sighs, voice laced with petty anger.

"And I wonder whose fault that is..?"

The way she turns her head to look at him makes you shudder. Secretly you hoped that taking out their anger on each other will make them less angry at you, the only reason they were here in the first place.

"Well unless you want to be sleeping in a motel again, I suggest you don't start that argument."

Her tone made it clear that she wasn't fucking around, giving your father no choice but to tuck his tail between his legs.

"Okay, fine. Yeesh..."

She gave a stressed smile, apologizing for blowing up in public again. Meanwhile your face burned in embarrassment, one for the fact you were here; and two for the fact your parents had to bring their relationship problems everywhere they go. There wasn't exactly a way for them to foster a healthy relationship between you and a brick building you're locked in for over 8 hours when they can't even have a healthy relationship with each other. You didn't understand why they bothered to try so hard considering that no one likes school. The only ones that liked it were the idiots who haven't been screwed over by the system yet; which is an extremely small demographic by a wide margin.

Your father sulked in silent rage, looking at you with scrutiny. He could blame all this on Rick, if it weren't for the fact you already skipped school way before he showed up. You can't teach an old dog new tricks, especially when there's a man actively encouraging the absence of change in that dog. Not that your father is calling you a bitch, mind you; it's just the adage.

Eventually the room reached a stand-still.

"Once again, I'm sorry Mrs. Smith. Frankly, unless you had an actual genius tutoring your child; it's likely they will have to retake the whole grade again."

Oh fuck , no way you're doing that. Your mom seemed just as uneasy about that statement as you were, racking her brain for answers. Suddenly, she looked up with an idea.

"Well, if we need a tutor then... Why not have Rick do it?"

You silently cursed at every omnipotent being that exists for allowing this to happen. Unbeknownst to your plight she looked on hopefully at your dad, who was not pleased to hear this. His face grimaced as he began another verbal onslaught.

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