ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 1

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Hello !! Welcome to Chapter 1 of Sick! 

A little message: You Make Me...introduces the characters and their vibes. Additionally, a small playlist is included. Unfortunately, that chapter is located at the bottom (no matter how many times I rearrange the chapters, Wattpad does not register it). Please take a look at that first before jumping in!

Enjoy !


It was 7:14 pm and I was, sitting in a pool of clothes.  My closet is unrecognizable, I'm sweating, I'm overstimulated, and my closet light is too bright, my playlist hasn't played something I want to listen to in half an hour, and I still don't have an outfit.

Ted told me he set me up on a blind date with one of his friends 2 days ago. 

I've known Ted since I was 12. I was the only kid who didn't make fun of his participation in our school musicals and he was the only kid who didn't make fun of my Canadian accent.

Ted knows that I need at least 2 weeks' notice before scheduling. I've been in a constant state of busyness since I was 16 and it hasn't ceased even at the ripe old age of 26. This dumbass still decided to set me up on this blind date. 

"Holy fuck..." I massage my temples. I stare at the plethora of fabric in front of me and groan. I lift a black body suit and a pair of leather pants. Will this make me look like a secret agent? Are leather pants even in anymore?? I toss them to the side close my eyes and swish my hand around in the ocean of clothes. 

I pick up an off-the-shoulder black long-sleeve and put it in my lap. I repeat the action for the pants and choose a pair of baggy grey cargos. The time on my watch reads 7:21 pm. The date is at 7:30 pm. It takes me approximately 10 minutes to drive there. I have not yet put makeup on, decided on my handbag, jewelry, outfit accessories, or styled my hair. 

"Ted," I say breathlessly into the phone. "I'm going to be late. Might as well tell your friend that we should cancel."

Ted lets out a long sigh. "I'm not going to do that, Olive." 

"Dude, if I show up late to a date this guy is going to think I don't care!" I retaliate. 

"You don't care, Olive," Ted replied. "You've told me at least 30 times that you don't care if you blow this date and if he hates you. "

The clock reads 7:24 pm. 

"Ted, can you please call your friend and tell him I'm going to be like, maybe 10 minutes late?" I pleaded. God, how embarrassing. My first date in 2 years and I can't even show up on time. 

"Fine. Don't blow it. Schlatt's a great guy."

"I promise." My head moves back and forth vigorously. "Thank you so much."


Finally, I show up. It's 7:36 pm. I'm 4 minutes early. I take a deep breath in before entering the bar. 

Jesus Christ this place is dead. 

The lights are so dim I can barely see where I'm walking and it reeks of something sour. The floor is all red carpet and the walls are exposed brick. I make my way further into the bar and see a figure scrolling on his phone. 

"Hi." I smile. "I'm Olive, Ted's friend."

The figure turns his body and sits up a little straighter. "Nice to meet you." Schlatt extends his hand and I shake it. 

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