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"OKAY!" I CLAP my hands loudly before a total world war can break out. "Why don't we all get back on topic?"

"I think that's a good idea," Erin practically whispers.

Tamara rolls her eyes, but no one says anything.

I sigh in relief. Open my mouth. "So, as I was saying—"

"There's no way any of us will be able to make the dance work when we can't get anything done," someone speaks up from the back. 

"Right, and I completely agree," I try hard to hide my impatience. Stay calm. "Which is why I was thinking we should—"

Someone else snorts. "Maybe it's because we keep arguing," 

"Because no one trusts each other—"

"Why should we?" Mason retorts. "The last time we did someone took all our bloody money—"

"Enough," a voice booms.

The room goes dead silent.

Everyone's head whips to Eden. He's leaned over the desk next to me, his hands flat against the wood, his jaw set. It doesn't take a genius to know just how irritated he is from the dark glint in his eyes. It's intimidating. It makes the hairs on the back of my neck rise.

"Every time one of you guys interrupt each other my life span decreases by a bloody year," he growls, his voice deep with agitation, "so unless you want me to die here in the next ten minutes, then I suggest you stop acting like a bunch of primary school children in a cafeteria."

No one says a word. He looks at me expectantly then, and I swear he softens a bit. "What were you trying to say?"

I'm momentarily at a loss for words. "Erm..." he raises his brows, unimpressed, and I snap out of it, shaking my head and looking back at everyone. "Right, um, I was saying that I think before we dive into fundraisers, we should probably address this that not every meeting know..."

"A complete disaster?" Lucas pipes up, offering me a little smile.

I smile back. "Yes, a complete disaster. It's pretty clear that we're all shaken up by what happened with Peter, which is fair. We don't all trust each other and it's making us counterproductive, so I think it would be a good idea to spend some time outside of club together to help repair that relationship."

", like, team bonding?" A Year 11 says, looking sceptical.

"Er...yeah," I say, nodding. "Yeah, I suppose that's what it is."

"That's the lamest thing I've ever heard," Priya says, earning a round of laughs.

I feel my cheeks heat. Out of sheer desperation, my eyes instinctively go to Eden's. 

Please say something, I mentally beg, praying he'll get the message. He stares back at me with an indecipherable look, revealing nothing behind the blueness of his eyes.

Finally, he nods, standing straighter. "Let's do that, then." He pauses. "Any objections?"

The room, once again, quiets at the authoritative timber behind Eden's voice. And of course it does, since he looks like he's ready to burn holes through anyone who disagrees.

My shoulders fall in relief. "I know it sounds childish," I continue hastily, "but with the way we are right now, we'd be lucky if we even make it to the winter formal in one piece without ripping each other apart, nevermind being able to fundraise for it."

No one says anything for a long moment. Then, the Year 11 from before's small voice breaks the silence. "...what if we have a bonfire night? I mean, no one's used the fire pit in the quad in ages, so, maybe, erm..." they trail off when they realise everyone's eyes are on them, and shrink deep into their seat.

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