Smut 4 : Come Over?

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* Top Kook
* Bottom Tae

My Boyfriend ❤️‍🩹:
can you come over please? i miss you baby

a vibration was heard making the two best friends stop arguing "it was your phone?" jimin checked his phone and shook his head no making the younger best friend checking his phone and gasping his hand covering his mouth while the other holds his phone tight

"it's kook" jimin also gasped "what?!! what did he say?" taehyung took a deep breath "he wants me to come over" jimin almost yelled covering his mouth "when, like now?" taehyung nodded "yes now, he says he misses me" a smile leaving taehyungs mouth

"go, go now" jimin got up pulling taehyung up but taehyung smile immediately dropped "that's impossible, i ca-can't my father won't let me got out this late" jimin rolled his eyes "he doesn't have to know , come on let's go" taehyung sighed ruffling his hair "how?" taehyung pouted

jimin looked at taes window and taehyung immediately knew what the older was thinking "no,no,no,no,no i am NOT climbing out of a fucking window , no" taehyung demanded "do you want to see him or not?" jimin crossed his arms "i do.. bu-" jimin quickly pulled taehyungs hand "no buts let's go"

the both hurriedly put on a jacket and shoes and making there way to taehyungs window , jimin climbed down first taehyung was going to but he was hesitating while one of his legs was out the window

"chim... i can't im scared" jimin rolled his eyes "this is your only option tae , and we can't keep waiting so come on" taehyung sighed before climbing down reaching the ground jimin smiled "see how easy was that?" ruffling the youngers hair making taehyung push jimin a bit playfully and pointing his finger at him "you're not able to do that anymore ,okay?"

jimin playfully frowned "yes i get it only your lovely boyfriend can" jimin laughs making taehyung hit him "okay stop" jimin still laughing "im gonna climb back up those got damn stairs if you don't stop chim" jimin only laughed more "it's you who wants to see him not me" taehyung rolled his eyes "gosh you're annoying" taehyung started walking making jimin follow him mocking taehyung while giggling


Baby 💏:
i'm outside

jungkook jumped up and hurriedly put some pants on because he didn't expect taehyung to actually come knowing how strict taehyung parents were

jungkook walked up to his window and seen taehyung standing there with jimin so the younger rolled up his window and smiled

"how did you escape?" jungkook laughed the both of the best friends walked towards jungkook window it wasn't so high up "we had to leave through the window" jungkook smiled knowing the older went through that to see him "my parents are sleep and doesn't wanna be disturbed so.. climb through my window?" jimin chuckled a bit

"wouldn't that be more noise though?" jungkook shook his head no "not if jimin helps you" jungkook chuckled , taehyung looked at jimin then at jungkooks window "he's too short to help" jimin hit taehyung "ouch"

"so?" jungkook rested his hand on his palm while looking at them smiling "if that's the only option" jungkook nodded then jimin bend down so taehyung could sit on his shoulders , jimin started to stand up "wait..wait.. jimin" taehyung was wobbling "be careful baby , don't move so much" jungkook said worrying

jimin successfully walked all the way to jungkooks window jungkook head peaking out and as soon as taehyung face was close to jungkooks , jungkook pecked his lips leaving a blushing taehyung "no don't do that right now hurry.. gonna fall" the boyfriends chuckled

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