01| In Pursuit of Fire

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I heard a knock on my office door.

"Come in."

My father entered.

"Cosa c'è, papà?" I said, leaning back in my chair. (What's wrong, Dad?)

He settled into one of the armchairs opposite my desk and pulled out a cigar, lighting it and exhaling a puff of smoke.

"Find yourself a girl yet, or are you busy sleeping around still?" he asked, leaning back casually.

"No, I haven't, and I won't be," I replied firmly.

He sighed heavily.

"Tristian, you're disappointing me right now. I've given you more than enough time to sort things out and certainly enough time to find someone to marry. So now, you've left your mother and me with no choice but to find someone for you. We need an heir soon and eventually someone to take your place. You'll do what's best for this family."

My jaw clenched. I knew there was no point in arguing; he always got his way.

"Do you hear me?" he asked, blowing out another cloud of smoke.

I nodded, running my tongue along my teeth.

"Chi è lei?" I asked. (Who is she?)

"Kathrine Knight," he replied, and I felt my anger rising.

"Are you fucking with me dad?"

"She's beautiful. She'll be good for you."

Damn it all.

"Fine," I said, resigning myself to the inevitable for the sake of the family.

"Good, because you'll be meeting her tonight at the ball, but she can't know yet that you'll be marrying her."



I walked out of the house, my heart racing with anticipation, and glanced back at the flickering glow through the windows.

The seconds felt like an eternity as I sauntered casually toward my car, each step deliberate and calm.




Suddenly, a deafening explosion echoed behind me, followed by the crackling roar of flames engulfing the structure. Heat washed over my back, but I didn't turn around.

My expression remained composed, betraying none of the turmoil within.

Reaching my sleek Lamborghini, I unlocked it with a smooth press of a button on my key fob.

I paused to adjust my appearance in the mirror above the sun visor, flipping my hair back into a high ponytail, readying myself for what lay ahead.

Popping a piece of gum into my mouth, I savored the minty freshness as I started the engine.

Glancing into my rearview mirror, I spotted two black SUVs pulling up behind me, and a mischievous grin tugged at my lips.

Pressing on the gas pedal, the car surged forward, gradually accelerating. I navigated sharp turns, hoping to shake off my pursuers, but they remained in close pursuit.

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