2| Envious Glances

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I'd only been at this event for an hour, and already, I was feeling sick and bored.

Needing a break, I headed to the bar for a much-needed drink before returning to my secluded spot at the table where I'd been idly scrolling through my phone.

On my way back, I noticed my parents engaged in conversation with a man in a black tuxedo. His back turned to me.

He held a glass of some amber liquid, his dark hair catching my attention from afar.

Just as I was about to walk by, my father intercepted me.

"Ah, there you are. Let me introduce you to a friend," he said, his hand briefly resting on my back before dropping away.

Turning around, I finally laid eyes on the man – and oh my God.

His gaze, framed by striking brown eyes, met mine. I couldn't help but let my eyes roam over his entire presence.

His sharp jawline, pink lips, and the way his suit jacket hugged his muscular arms hinted at a powerful figure not much older than myself.

He was undeniably handsome, a classic "pretty boy."

Seizing the opportunity, he let his gaze leisurely travel down my body before meeting my eyes again, a slight hint of amusement in his expression.

"Christian, my daughter, Kathrine. Kathrine, this is Christian, Don of the Italian mafia," my father introduced, motioning between us.

"Lovely to meet you," I greeted with a polite smile that lacked sincerity.

Christian raised an eyebrow, clearly amused by my facade.

"Nice meeting you, Kiara. Heard wonderful things about you," he replied, his voice deep and captivating.

After some forced conversation orchestrated by my father, I finally made my way back to my seat, unable to shake the intriguing encounter with Christian, which left me with more questions than answers.

Sipping my drink, I pondered what his presence at this event truly meant and what role he might play in my sheltered world, now poised on the brink of something unknown and thrilling.



As her father droned on, I allowed my attention to drift, my focus lingering instead on the striking young woman before me—his daughter, the one I was apparently destined to marry.

Her entrance had been commanding, her hips swaying with confidence as she moved across the room. The dress she wore hugged her curves with elegant precision, drawing my eyes irresistibly.

Seated now at a table, she held a glass of champagne in one hand while scrolling casually through her phone with the other. Despite the casual demeanor, she exuded a magnetic charm that captivated everyone around her.

Her allure was undeniable, and I observed how effortlessly she commanded attention from both young and old alike. From the moment she stepped into the room, it was as though she owned the space, radiating an aura of self-assurance.

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