A = Aftercare

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"Land sakes," she muttered under her breath. "And here I thought I was goin'ta be the one gettin' pampered."

Delta Dawn hardly got a response, her fingers- lazily scratching at the back of his head - having worked such a charm, he was like putty in her hands. John Dory's tongue practically lolled out of his mouth, his breath almost panting while she continued.

"Hay, I'm talking to ye!" she grumbled.

"Oh, hmmm?" He hummed, sort of turning his half-lidded gaze to her, his blue eyes drunk with not any of the whisky they'd drank, but the love he had.

She rolled her eyes, smirking. "I can't stay mad at ye, can I?"

He hummed again, leaning further into her touch.

Ride or DieOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora