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You laughed "Hah, good luck old man" and leave the two to their business. After walking far enough, you can vaguely hear them say "Rude". 

You continued your trek along Jueyun Karst. You amuse yourself with the sights of tall and treacherous mountains, the verdant forest, and overall just have a great time.

After all that, you somehow find the two men from before. "That's weird... Wait, have they even made a single move from last time?". You look at the sky as you noticed it's getting dark "I should really go back to Liyue Harbor...". This time, you want south of your current location.

You walk for another hour, before finding the two men again. "It's been 1 hour- Have they not moved at all?". You stopped before realizing the bigger picture "Hold on... I've been here 3 times... AM I LOST?!"

Go to Chapter 9

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