3 - Yeah, because that makes so much sense

13 0 0

Lily's POV:

Percy then closed his eyes and took a deep breath. I took a quick glance at the other people with us, Annabeth still unconscious on the floor her head in the Piper girl's lap. All of them looked a little on edge. I turned my attention back towards Percy who was still taking a shaky breath. 

When he opened his eyes, they were churning with power and seemed to be emitting a scary calm wave of energy. He pulled his sword back into a fighting position, and the others joined him in getting prepared. He turned towards the weird girl with flaming hair, a donkey leg, and a robotic leg, the one he had previously called Kelli. She seemed to realize that she crossed the line, and she was about to face the consequences. 

He looked at her like he was imagining all they ways he could kill her painfully and slowly. There was no fear in his eyes just a swirling storm of anger. At last, his face broke into a smirk as he leaped out and up with his sword raised. He brought down his blade and cut her straight in half, she immediately burst into golden dust. 

He spared a quick glance towards the others that clearly said, 'Are you going to help me or not?' They got the message apparently, because they sprang into action and started fighting alongside him. 

Don't get me wrong, they were all crazy good at fighting. But Percy was a demon with a blade hacking away at monsters left and right leaving a trail of golden dust behind him as he moved. The fight was over within minutes, when the last monster was disintegrated Percy broke into an exhausted run, over to Annabeth. He took her from Piper and shoved what looked like a golden brownie into her mouth.

When the square went down her throat, she instantly regained some color and her breathing started to even out. I let out a breath of relief I didn't know I was holding in when I saw the change in her state. 

I decided that it was an appropriate time to leave my dark corner and show my face to the others, again. They looked surprised at me for a moment as if they had forgotten I was here, which they probably did. "I'll just let you guys explain." I stated to no one in particular, "On the way to camp." The boy, Nico I think, told me. I wasn't about to argue so I nodded quickly.

Percy picked up Annabeth bridal-style and started walking over too where the van was parked, Piper was still slightly limping and leaning on the blond boy for support as we walked. I fell at the back of the group next to the small boy, he was called Leo, not really knowing what to do i looked over at him and saw him tinkering with a small piece of metal. "Hey, I'm Lily" I introduced to him, "Hola, I'm Leo!" He replied with a lot of enthusiasm. 

"What are you working on?" I asked curiously. "Umm, oh this?" he held up the thing in his hand, I nodded. "It's a prototype for a half-blood safe phone." he told me before returning to his project, I realized that he said 'half-blood' "What is a half-blood?" I blurted out to him. "Oh, yeah, tell you when we get to the van." He dismissed. So, we kept walking over to the van, in silence this time. 

By the time we got to the Delphi Strawberry Service van there was almost no one in the courtyard. This time instead of Leo driving the blond boy hopped in the driver's seat with Piper next to him. Everyone started piling in to the back, I got in last. I sat down on one of the many free seats, which just so happened to be next to Annabeth and across from Percy. I tried to start a conversation with "Hi", he looked up at me and his face formed a smile. "Hey, I'm Percy." He introduced while holding out his hand for a shake. "Lily" I said shaking his hand.

-------------------------------like 45 minutes later-----------------------------------

"I think I caught most of your names while you were fighting, but would you mind telling me what they are just in case?" I asked Percy.

"Yep, So, they are Leo and Nico. Then Jason and Piper up front. And you obviously know Me and Annabeth." He informed me while pointing to each person as he said their name. "Thanks, and would you mind telling me what in the world just happened?" I finally question "Yeah So..." He then proceeds to tell me all about Greek and roman gods, Half-bloods/Demigods, and all about how all the myths aren't myths. At the end, I can't think anything to say other than "Yeah because that makes so much sense." I say with as straight a face as I can, "Sometimes I don't even believe it, if that makes you feel any better." He tells me while laughing. 

"So, we are going to camp Half-blood, which is a Demigod safe haven on the Long Island sound?" I ask, Percy replies with "Yeah, we should only have like 5-10 minutes until we get there." I nod, then turn to look out the window and watch the scenery as we drive by.


After like 7 minutes we pull up to a hill and the car stops. Everyone starts to get out, so I follow. When I exited the van, I saw a huge Pine tree with a piece of golden fabric draped over it and something curled around the base, there was also a 40-foot statue of a woman atop the hill. "That is Thalia's tree, The golden fleece, Peleus the dragon who is guarding the Fleece, and the Athena Parthenos" Percy told me, I was so shocked I just nodded instead of asking the million questions swirling inside my head.

As we walk up and down the hill I'm forming a very long list of questions, when we reach the bottom of the hill everyone stops walking. Percy spoke first "I can take Piper and Annabeth to the infirmary, and Jason can you take Lily to the Big House?" Jason nodded and switched Piper to lean on Percy, then he looked over at me "You ready?" He asked me, I nodded, and we started walking straight forward. 


We stopped about half a mile later in front of a large, sky-blue house with white trim, and a big porch. Jason and I went forward but Percy, Annabeth, and Piper went to the infirmary a little way down the house. When we got to the porch Jason knocked on the door, and we waited for about a minute before it was opened by a man in a wheelchair. 

He invited us in and then turned to me "Hello, I am Chiron. What is your name, child?" He asked me. "Hi, I'm Liliana Hartford. But I go by Lily." I responded. "I see, and How much do you know about us?" Chiron questioned, "I think Percy told me everything, but he told me that you are a centaur. So, I'm a little confused on that." I told him.

He nodded in understanding "Follow me, child." So, I followed him outside. He led Jason and I out of the room and onto the green Infront of the porch. He started the get out of the wheelchair, and he seemed to develop more of his body. Within seconds his bottom half was that of a white horse. I have no doubt my jaw was on the floor.

"This is my true form, that is just a magically enchanted chair to help me with everyday things." He informed me. I nodded because I momentarily forgot how to form words, again.

 A few seconds later I heard a loud horn noise. I was about to ask what it was, but Chiron beat me to it, "That would be the dinner bell, Jason would you show Lily to the Dining pavilion?" Chiron asked. Jason nodded "Oh, and Child, when you do your food sacrifice you might want to pray for your godly parent to claim you." He finished, "I will, Thank you!" I told Chiron. Jason gestured for me to follow him.

We walked up a hill and into a pavilion framed by Greek columns, there was no ceiling or walls, and there was a torch burning on each column. In the middle of the pavilion there was a bronze brazier the size of a bathtub with a large fire burning in it. Each table had a white tablecloth with purple trim. "You can just go grab a plate and a goblet form over there, just ask the plate for whatever food you want, and the same goes for the goblet," Jason started pointing over to a collection of silverware "Then you scrape a portion of the food into the fire, as a sacrifice to either one god in particular or multiple." He finished.

 I nodded and walked over to the collection of plates and goblets and grabbed one of each. I wished for a slice of cheese pizza, bread, some fruit, and some sprite. Next, I walked over to the big fire and scooped a portion of my food into the fire and prayed 'Mom, please claim me' When I turned around to walk away when I heard everyone go silent and people started pointing to the space above me. 

I looked up and gasped, there was a symbol above my head, it was a....

Word Count: 1595

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⏰ Last updated: May 05 ⏰

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